Scale and rotate type

Learn to modify the size and orientation of text.

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Use the Character panel to scale and rotate text in a few simple steps.

Selecting type for transformations

You can rotate, reflect, scale, and shear type just as you do other objects. However, how you select the type affects the transformation results:

  • To transform the type along with its bounding path, select the type object and use the Rotate tool to rotate the object and text.

  • To transform just the bounding path, but not the type it contains, select the type object and drag with the Selection tool.

Rotated type path (left) compared to rotated type and path (right)
Rotated type path (left) compared to rotated type and path (right)

Adjust the scale of type

You can specify the proportion between the height and width of the type, relative to the original width and height of the characters. Unscaled characters have a value of 100%. Some type families include a true expanded font, which is designed with a larger horizontal spread than the plain type style. Scaling distorts the type, so it is generally preferable to use a font that is designed as condensed or expanded, if one is available.

  1. Select the characters or type objects you want to change. If you don’t select any text, the scale applies to new text you create.
  2. In the Character panel, set the Vertical Scaling option  or the Horizontal Scaling option  .

Rotate type

  • To rotate the characters within a type object by a specific number of degrees, select the characters or type objects you want to change. (If you don’t select any text, the rotation applies to new text you create.) In the Character panel, set the Character Rotation option .
  • To change horizontal type to vertical type, and vice versa, select the type object and choose Type > Type Orientation > Horizontal or Type > Type Orientation > Vertical.
  • To rotate an entire type object (both the characters and the type bounding box), select the type object and use the bounding box, Free Transform tool, Rotate tool, Rotate command, or Transform panel to perform the rotation.
  • To rotate multiple characters in vertical Asian text, use the tate‑chu-yoko option to rotate multiple characters.

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