Transform objects

Learn how to transform objects in Illustrator.

Use the Transform commands and specialized tools or drag the bounding box to move, rotate, reflect, scale, and shear objects.

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Use the Transform panel to transform objects in a few simple steps.

Transform an object, pattern or both

You can use the Transform panel to view the locations, sizes, and orientations of one or more selected objects. Type new values to modify the selected objects and their pattern fills, or both. You can also change the transformation reference point and lock the object's proportions.

Follow any of these options to transform patterns, objects or both:

  • Specify the transform patterns by selecting an option from the Transform panel menu: Transform Object Only, Transform Pattern Only or Transform Both.
  • Prevent patterns from transforming when using transform tools. Go to Edit Preferences > General (Windows) or Illustrator > Preferences > General (macOS) and deselect Transform Pattern Tiles.
  • Return an object's fill pattern to its original state by filling the object with a solid color and then reselecting the desired pattern.
  • Use the Transform Again option in the Object menu to repeat a move, scale, rotate, reflect, or shear operation as often as you want until you perform a different transform operation.
Screenshot of the Panel menu

A. Reference point locator B. Panel menu C. Lock proportions icon 

Transform using the bounding box

You can easily move, rotate, duplicate, and scale objects by dragging the object or a handle of the bounding box.

  • Select View > Hide Bounding Box to hide the bounding box.
  • Select View > Show Bounding Box to show the bounding box.
  • Select Object > Transform > Reset Bounding Box to reorient the bounding box after you rotate it.
Transform using the bounding box
Selected objects before (left) compared to after (right) scaling using the bounding box

Tips and tricks

  • When you move, rotate, reflect (flip), scale, or shear a pattern-filled object, you can only transform the object, pattern, or both the object and pattern.
  • Once you transform an object’s fill pattern, subsequent patterns to that object are transformed similarly.
  • Beginning with the CC 2017 release, Illustrator features more predictable and precise functionality to draw art aligned with the pixel grid. See Draw pixel-perfect art for details.
  • The reference point locator in the Transform panel specifies an object’s reference point only when you transform the object by changing the values in the panel. Other methods of transforming (such as using the Scale tool) use the object’s center point or the pointer location as the reference point.

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