New features summary | June 2022 release of Acrobat


Acrobat with online services is the complete PDF solution for working with your most important documents across desktop, web, and mobile devices. Update your Acrobat desktop and mobile apps, or sign in to Acrobat web to experience the new features and improvements.

Acrobat desktop app

June 2022 release

Adobe is rolling out this release incrementally. To experience the new features immediately, update your Acrobat—on the Help menu, click Check for updates and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update process.

The following new features are introduced in this release. Click > to know more about the feature.

Acrobat now shows a What's New card to educate you about the new features after you install an update and launch Acrobat for the first time.

The What's New card is displayed when you do any of the following:

  • Launch Acrobat and go to the Home view.

    What's New card

  • Open a PDF in Acrobat. A blue contextual tip prompts you to See What's New.

    What's New prompt

Alternately, you can check the new features anytime by going to Help > See What's New.

See What's New


This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and may not be available to all users.

On the first launch of Acrobat, the onboarding tour educates you about Acrobat’s tools and workflows. The option to restart the tools onboarding tour is also provided for a few selected Acrobat tools like Edit PDF, Organize Pages, Redact, Fill & Sign, and Prepare Form. Start the tour by clicking on any of the options below:

  • Take the onboarding tour from the help menu

    When using any selected Acrobat tools, go to the Help menu and choose Take <tool name>  tour.

    Take the onboarding tour from the Help menu

  • Take the onboarding tour by right-clicking the tool

    Right-click the tool in the right pane, and choose Take Tour.

    Take the onboarding tour by right-clicking the tool


This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and may not be available to all users.

When you sign in to Acrobat, the left pane of Acrobat Home displays a list of apps you can install. This helps leverage Acrobat offerings on a common framework and components across all platforms – desktop, web, and mobile. You can install the following apps:

  • Acrobat Reader mobile app
  • Adobe Scan mobile app
  • Acrobat extension for Chrome/Edge browser
  • Acrobat online

Acrobat extension for your default browser is listed in the apps. If Chrome/Edge is not your default browser, Acrobat does not display any browser extension.

Apps listed in the left-hand pane of Acrobat Home

Similarly, click the waffle menu at the top right corner of the global bar to view the apps you can install.

Click the Waffle menu


This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and may not be available to all users.

Install the mobile apps

  1. Do any of the following:

    • In Acrobat Home, click the Acrobat Reader or Adobe Scan mobile app you want to install in the left pane.
    • Click the waffle menu at the top right corner of the global bar, and then click the Get app button to install the Acrobat Reader or Adobe Scan mobile app.
    Install mobile apps from the left-pane
    Install the mobile apps from the left pane

    Install mobile apps from the waffle menu
    Install mobile apps from the Waffle menu

  2. Acrobat displays the QR code. Scan the QR code from your mobile camera to install the app from the App Store or Google Play.

    Acrobat Reader mobile app
    Acrobat Reader mobile app

    Adobe Scan mobile app
    Adobe Scan mobile app

Enable the Acrobat extension in the browser

  1. Do any of the following:

    • In Acrobat Home, click the Acrobat for Microsoft Edge or Acrobat for Chrome option in the left pane.
    • Click the waffle menu at the top right corner of the global bar, and then click the Enable button for Acrobat for Microsoft Edge or Acrobat for Chrome option.
    Acrobat extension for browser
    Apps in the left pane

    Enable the browser extension
    Apps from the Waffle menu

  2. The Chrome or Edge store opens. Click Add to Chrome if you are using Chrome. If you are using Edge, click the Get button.

    Acrobat Chrome extension
    Acrobat extension for Chrome

    Acrobat extension for Edge
    Acrobat extension for Edge

When you try to print a PDF, Acrobat detects the unsigned fields in the PDF and prompts if you want to send the document to get signatures.

Variant 1: A blue banner at the bottom of the print dialog prompts if you want to Request E-signatures

Sign prompt while printing a PDF form with unsigned field

Variant 2: A blue banner at the bottom of the print dialog prompts if you want to sign the document or Request E-signatures

Sign prompt while printing a PDF form with unsigned field


This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and may not be available to all users.

When you click Request Signatures in the Fill & Sign tool, Acrobat shows you a short video educating you on the key values of the tools, like the recipient’s e-signing experience and the security aspect of e-signatures. You can close the video by clicking the x button; else, the video is closed upon completion.

New video educating the benefits of using e-signatures


This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and may not be available to all users.

In Acrobat Home, the Fill & Sign and Request E-signatures tools are prominently shown in the following sections, if you are an existing Fill & Sign user, and sixty percent of your recent documents have unsigned fields:

  • Recommended tools
  • Context board
  • Right-hand pane tools
  • Tools center

This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and may not be available to all users.

The auto-adjust layout feature is now extended to PDFs containing tables. Multiple enhancements are made to edit tables in a PDF:

  • Move or resize the table as a whole is allowed, but not row by row within page margins.

    Move or resize the table as a whole
    Select the table and increase or decrease the table size

  • You can now edit the text of the inner text boxes inside the table. The table size increases or decreases accordingly as per the entered text.

    Text selection and edit inside the table
    Text selection and edit inside the table

  • Floating boxes can be moved inside the table, and the table boxes can be moved outside.

    Floating boxes can be moved inside/outside the table
    Move the floating text boxes outside the table

    Move the floating text boxes inside the table
    Move the floating text boxes inside the table

  • Adding text or images inside the table is allowed.

    Add text or image inside a table
    Add text or image inside a table

  • Cut or copy the table as a whole or inner boxes of the table is allowed with the active or inactive cursor.


This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and may not be available to all users.

The file uploads to the Adobe Cloud storage is much faster now due to changes in backend infrastructure. The client applications can upload the file in multiple parts through parallel HTTP calls. Therefore, larger file uploads greater than 5MB will no longer result in timeout issues.

Acrobat has migrated from Shared Cloud to Adobe Cloud Platform for its file storage model. Multiple infrastructure changes and optimizations are made at the backend to streamline operations on files stored on these platforms such that no negative impact is observed on Acrobat’s performance.

In the earlier versions, when a large list of files (maximum of a thousand) is fetched in Acrobat, it lags and takes too much time to retrieve them. Acrobat now uses the file caching mechanism and supports pagination for the complete list of files (above thousand). It results in a smoother experience, faster file search, and improved performance without lags for files listed in Shared by You and Shared by Others in Acrobat.

The consent dialogs in Acrobat are now unified across different workflows.

  • Consent dialog for opening a shared file

    Consent dialog for opening a shared file

  • Consent dialog for files shared for viewing

    Consent dialog for files shared for viewing

  • Consent dialog for files shared for review

    Consent dialog for files shared for review
    When consent is True

    Consent dialog for files shared for review
    When consent is False

  • Consent dialog for review files in protected view

    Consent dialog for review files in protected view
    When consent is true

    Consent dialog for review files in protected view
    When consent is false

In the earlier version of Acrobat, a major part of the navigation panel was not accessible using VoiceOver, like the tags in the Tags pane and Accessibility Report in the Accessibility Pane. Now, VoiceOver supports all such views in the navigation panel.

In this release, incorrect tagging of images with associated text, grouped images, and table header cells for PDFs created with PDFMaker is fixed.

Acrobat (64-bit) application now supports virtualized environments.

Adobe Document Cloud is now renamed to Adobe Cloud Storage, All Files is renamed to Your Files, and My Computer is now renamed to Your Computer.

The list of shared files displayed in the Shared by you/Shared by others tab is no longer limited to 1000 files. The list now shows all the shared files.

You can now remove shared files from your recent files list.

You can now sort the files you have shared with others by Last Activity on the shared files.

Acrobat Reader mobile app

March 2022, April 2022, May 2022, and June 2022 updates

iPhone and iPad

You can now access the Edit tool from the Home context board, and the Organize Pages tool from the floating action button. The Home card design and color theme is also updated to give it a new, cleaner look.

  • You can now set the Last Activity property in the Shared by You listings at the time of sharing, modifying the recipient list, adding comments, and changing the review status.
  • The timestamps on the Shared By You context board are updated, and the Delete option is now removed for Cloud composite files.

You will now no longer see the prompt to use Liquid Mode while opening a PDF.

The Intune sign-out corruption issue is now fixed. Also, the Intune SDK is now updated to prevent the Intune crash on launch issues.

New notifications can now be announced. The issues with Voiceover on the subscription screen are fixed.

The Request Signatures feature is now available to enterprise users.

  • The update includes support for SWIFT Package Manager. 
  • XCode 13.3 compiler errors are now fixed.
  • The update includes performance and stability enhancements. Several issues causing the app to crash are now fixed.

Get the latest Acrobat Reader on your iPhone and iPad.


Acrobat app now detects multiple bounding box selections in the viewer, thereby improving the experience for multiple paragraph selection cases.

Adobe Document Cloud is now renamed to Adobe Cloud Storage.

Acrobat app will now auto-open PDFs in Liquid Mode on Android tablets.
  • You can now sort the files you have shared with others by Last Activity on the shared files.
  • You can now rename the local files, and the Document Cloud files from the Recents list, and the Starred file list.

You can now use Acrobat’s new Request e-signatures tool to get documents signed by others.

New users now have better access to the subscription-related Terms of use and Privacy Policy. We strongly suggest that you review our subscription terms and policies before making any purchase. Learn how to Subscribe to services.

You can now easily rename the shared, cloud, and local files in the Recent or Starred files listing using the Rename option. See how to Rename files.

  • Acrobat app honors the Intune policy to block/allow service-based operations for managed non-PDF files from the Starred tab, and the Save a Copy operation.
  • The C++ compiler version has been upgraded to C++17 for the app. 
  • Top accessibility-related bugs and critical bugs related to performance and multi-region testing are now fixed.
  • Besides performance and stability enhancements, this release includes a cloud storage upgrade: Document Cloud is now Adobe Cloud Storage.

Get the latest Acrobat Reader on your Android device.

Acrobat online services

March 2022, April 2022, May 2022, and June 2022 updates

Adobe is introducing an entirely reimagined experience for Acrobat online users. The new experience aims to provide an intuitive and seamless experience for viewing content and performing any action on the PDF. Some of the key new experiences include:

  • Streamlined experience for viewing, editing, and collaborating on documents.
  • Discover panel to help users find tools more easily.
  • Quick actions toolbar for easy discovery and fast access to the most frequently used features.
  • New Edit, Convert, and Sign left-hand panels that reorganize tools into three purpose-driven categories.

This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and may not be available to all users.

This update includes support for large files for Split PDF (up to 1 GB file), and PDF to Word/PowerPoint conversion (up to 200 MB file).

When you open a PDF, the Acrobat app detects if the PDF has an unsigned field and displays the Request Signature tool in the Home banner.

You can now use the Google one-tap login (YOLO) for Merge PDF frictionless tool.


This feature is being rolled out as an experiment to selected users in the English locale and may not be available to all users.

Sign in to Acrobat online at to experience the new features and improvements.

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