This modification is different if you are using a single instance or mid-sourcing instance. Before doing the modification ensure you're connected to email sending instance.
To add publicID in your delivery logs you need to extend the schema first. You can proceed as follow.
Create a schema extension, under Administration > Configuration > Data Schemas > New.
For more information about schema extensions, refer to this page.
<element img="nms:broadLog.png" label="Recipient delivery logs" labelSingular="Recipient delivery log" name="broadLogRcp"/>
<element img="nms:broadLog.png" label="Recipient delivery logs" labelSingular="Recipient delivery log" name="broadLogRcp"> <attribute desc="Outbound IP identifier" label="IP identifier" name="publicId" type="long"/> </element>
Once modifications are done, you need to update database structure so that it is aligned with its logical description.
To do this, follow the steps below:
In the Edit tables window, the NmsBroadLogRcp table is checked (or the broadLogMid table if your are in a Mid-sourcing environment), as below:
Always ensure there is no other modification, except the NmsBroadLoGRcp table (or the broadLogMid table if your are in a Mid-sourcing environment). If so, uncheck other tables.
Click Next, and Start to start updating database structure. Index building is starting. This step can be long, depending on the number of rows in the NmsBroadLogRcp table.
Once update of the physical structure of the database is sucessfully completed, you need to disconnect and reconnect so that your modifications are taken into account.
To confirm everything worked correctly, you need to update delivery logs screen.
To do this, access the delivery logs and add the IP identifier column.
To learn how to configure lists in Campaign Classic interface, refer to this page.