Explore how changes to a Creative Cloud for teams plan by an admin affect the team members.
Only contract admins and system admins can change the plan. If you are assigned to a plan that is changed by your admin, you are informed of the changes through an email. After your admin changes the plan that is assigned to you, you'll lose access to the old plan and immediately gain access to the new plan.
How can I access my assets?
Sign in to Creative Cloud on the web to access your assets, including the cloud documents shared with you, your Lightroom photos, and libraries. Learn more about cloud documents.
When your admin changes your access to a plan, the storage space remains unchanged, and your cloud documents are not affected. However, if they downgrade your plan, the storage limit may change.
Here's how you can check the available cloud storage in your account. If your used storage exceeds the available storage, Adobe provides a 30-day window to move your assets to another location or save them locally. After this period, some of your assets may be deleted.
How do I request access to more products?
If you need access to an Adobe application for which you don't already have a license, you can request access from your organization. To do so, sign in to Creative Cloud on the web and scroll down to the apps available by request.
Learn more about requesting access to Adobe products and services.