PDFMaker issue in Office 2007, 2010, 2013 with Acrobat 9, Acrobat X, and Acrobat XI

PDFMaker toolbar unavailable

The Acrobat PDFMaker toolbar is unavailable in an Office 2007, 2010, or 2013 application after you install Acrobat 9, Acrobat X, or Acrobat XI.

Try one or more of the following solutions.

Solution 1: Enable the PDFMaker add-in in the Office application's Disabled Items list

A Microsoft Office application sometimes automatically disables add-ins as a fail-safe if the application closes unexpectedly. To determine if the PDFMaker add-in has been disabled, do the following:

Office 2007 (Acrobat 9, X, and XI)

Office 2010 (Acrobat X and XI)

Note: The Acrobat X PDFMaker is designed to run in 32-bit versions of Microsoft Office applications. 

Office 2013 (Acrobat XI)

Solution 2: Manually register the COM add-in file.

Disclaimer: This procedure involves editing the Windows registry. Adobe doesn't provide support for editing the registry, which contains critical system and application information. Make sure to back up the registry before editing it. For more information about the registry, see the Windows documentation or contact Microsoft.

Solution 3: Verify that Acrobat PDFMaker Office COM Add-In is selected in the Office application's list of available add-ins

Office 2007 (Acrobat 9, X, and XI)

Office 2010 (Acrobat X and XI)

Solution 4: Modify the registry entry for the PDFMOutlook key

Solution 5: Run Repair Acrobat Installation while no other applications are running

Solution 6: Remove and reinstall Acrobat with Windows in a simplified mode

Device drivers and programs that start automatically when you start your computer can conflict with the Acrobat installer and cause problems. To prevent an installation conflict, reinstall Acrobat while Windows is in simplified mode. In simplified mode, nonessential programs and drivers are disabled.

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