How to set the preference to display Acrobat or Reader crash report dialog

What are crash reports?

In the event of an issue with Acrobat or Reader, you can submit crash reports through the Adobe Crash Reporter dialog. The Adobe Crash Reporter can collect a log of what the app was doing at the time the crash occurred. It uploads that information into a database, and the engineering team uses that information to analyze crashes and develop solutions.

Crash Reporter dialog on Windows
Crash Report dialog on Windows

Crash Report dialog on macOS
Crash Report dialog on macOS

If you don't see the Crash Reporter dialog appear, you may have selected an option to not show the dialog. Follow the steps below to set the preference to always show the crash report dialog.

How to set the preference to display the crash report dialog on Windows

  1. Click Start > Run.

  2. Type cmd, and then click OK.

  3. In the command prompt, type the following command, and press Enter.

    REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CommonFiles\CRLog /v "Never Ask" /t REG_SZ /d 0

    Other possible values are:

    Key Details Possible Values Action
    Never Ask Controls the display of the crash dialog 0 Show the crash dialog
    1 Hide the crash dialog
    Last Sent Status
    Stores user action with the previous crash report
    0 Don't send the previous crash report
    1 Send the previous crash report
  4. Choose Yes, if you are prompted with a message  Value Never Ask exists, overwrite(Yes/No)?

How to set the preference to display the crash report dialog on macOS

  1. Cmd + click the Acrobat/Reader application icon, and choose Show Package Contents.

  2. Choose Contents Frameworks AdobeCrashReporter.framework.

  3. Cmd + click the alias named AdobeCrashReporter, and then select Show Original.

  4. Double-click Adobe Crash Reporter.

    Crash reporter


    It is a red A app icon. Do not confuse it with the black AdobeCrashReporter UNIX executable file.

  5. Choose Always Show This Dialog, and click Done.

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