Manually update Adobe Acrobat installation

Adobe recommends that update to the latest version to take advantage of security and stability improvements. Updates can be installed as described below.

For information about the latest version, see the Release Notes.


If you're installing Acrobat subscription or trial and have chosen to retain Acrobat XI on your computer, then follow the steps below after you have installed Acrobat.

Update Adobe Acrobat manually

You can update Acrobat to the latest released version manually using the menu option Help > Check for updates.

  1. Launch Acrobat, and go to Help > Check for updates.

  2. If an update is available, you see the dialog box as shown below. Click Download.

  3. The update is downloaded in the background. Once the download is complete, you might see a prompt to quit Acrobat as shown below. Quit Acrobat and click Retry.

    Close program in use and retry


    If you see the User Access Control prompt, click Yes.

  4. Once the update is installed, the Update successful dialog box is displayed. Click Close.

    Update successful

  1. Launch Acrobat, and go to Help > Check for updates.

    Check for updates

  2. If an update is available, you see the dialog box as shown below. To begin the update installation, click Yes.

    Acrobat updater

  3. Once the update is installed, the Update successful dialog box is displayed. Click OK.

    Updated successfully

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