Adobe Connect 10.5 Release Notes

Read this document for details around the Adobe Connect 10.5 release, including release dates, upgrades, updates, improvements, and known issues.


Adobe Connect enables you to create state-of-the-art digital training, webinar, and collaboration experiences. For an overview of Adobe Connect, see

The Adobe Connect 10.5 release incorporates various improvements and resolves several bugs.

Release dates

Adobe Connect 10.5 rolls out in the following phases:

Hosted services:

Starts on Jul 28, 2019. See Adobe Connect Downloads and Updates to know the migration schedule for your account.

On-premise deployments:

Will be available from Sep 1, 2019.

Managed services:

Contact your Adobe Connect Managed Services (ACMS) representative to schedule an update.

What's New in Adobe Connect 10.5

HTML client for participants

The HTML client for participants has been enhanced to

  • Support the display of various content types—PPT, PDF, MP4, MP3, Captivate, and Presenter files—shared by the Host in the Share pod.
  • Display Whiteboard drawings and annotations.
  • Support hybrid custom pods.

Connect Central

The search results and Reports tab in Connect Central are enhanced and redesigned in HTML.


For more information on the new features and enhancements in Adobe Connect 10.5, see What's New in Adobe Connect.

System requirements

Adobe Connect application

This update does not include a new version of the Adobe Connect application. 

You are prompted to install the new Adobe Connect application in the following scenario:

  • You share your screen or PowerPoint (PPTX format) files without installing the Adobe Connect application.

If you are an administrator, ensure that end users have the latest Adobe Connect application and Adobe Flash Player (version 13.0 or later) installed. Download the Adobe Connect application from this page, or directly from the following URLs:

Upgrade paths for on-premise deployments

Here are the prerequisites for this release:

  • From Adobe Connect 8.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 9
  • From Adobe Connect 9.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 10.5
  • From Adobe Connect 10.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 10.5

Issues resolved

Issue tracking number

Issue description

4112521 Fixed an issue where the recording froze on MAC on Connect app v2019.4.1.64.
4112408 Fixed an issue where in the Audio Setup Wizard, the Play and Pause buttons are not accessible via keyboard.
4112378 Fixed an issue where Connect application for mac 64-bit causes high CPU usage when RTMS is enabled.
4112184 Fixed an issue in HTML client where the Microphone stays muted after selecting Mic/Speaker setup.
4111681 Fixed an issue where disabling the HTML client option under Administration does not disable it for rooms that had previously enabled it.  
4111508 Fixed an issue where changes in the Event Registration confirmation message are not updated on the registration page.
4111499 Fixed an issue where the meeting diagnostics test is not working in 10.2.
4111439 Fixed an issue where users are not able to pull the content report for multiple events.
4110757 Fixed an issue where a certain PowerPoint presentation is crashing on slide change.
4110705 Fixed an issue where Guest users are getting a blank page after logging in to Adobe Connect.
4110701 Fixed an issue where adminstrators were unable to customize the username/password 'text' field.
4110693 Fixed an issue where when auto-detect proxy is enabled, the Connect desktop application tunneled.
4110610 Fixed an issue where new user's registration email was not recieved for Italian locale.
4110481 Fixed an issue where Applications Sharing using MAC shows a blue screen only in the Mini Control Panel.
4110380 Fixed an issue where cancelling an Event still blocks the time slot on Seminar Calendar.
4109928 Fixed an issue where for some accounts background and login text on meeting login page is not updated even after uploading it under Administration> Customization
4109781 Fixed an issue where Connect desktop application crashes on Windows 7 when using Meeting Audio set up wizard with certain USB headsets.
4109565 Fixed powerpoint conversion issues due to presence of unicode characters
4109407 Fixed an issue where Adobe Connect Diagnostic Test was missing in Internet Explorer
4109361 Fixed an issue where some help links in non English locales were not working.
4109011 Fixed an issue where Video aspect ratio is distorted in HTML client when video published via mac.
4108856 Fixed an issue where Powerpoint have black marks when uploaded to Connect
4086713 Fixed an issue where BMP images can not be used for events
4086301 Fixed an issue where sharing a pptx file crashes in win 10 with MS Powerpoint 2016

Known Issues

Issue tracking number

Issue description

4112970 For users in Edge browser Print report does not work in Connect Central administration pages.
4112900 For participants in HTML Client, a Marker doesn't appear if drawn over an opaque shape on Whiteboard.
4112836 For participants in HTML Client, any links pushed by Hosts through the Weblinks pod only open when the client is in focus.
4112787 For participants in HTML Client, sometimes a PDF does not scale properly in HTML client.
4112775 Participants in HTML Client on mobile devices can not open Connect Mobile App from a browser if a Host promotes the participant to a Host/Presenter.
4112241 For users in Flash Client or Connect desktop applications, the end meeting screen shows dark blank space instead of Connect logo, when custom logo is not used in the account.
4111500 For participants in HTML Client, Jaws screen reader does not read out when pointer is enabled by the host in Share pod.
4111498 For participants in HTML Client, Jaws screen reader does not read out when whiteboard overlay in enabled over shared content in Share pod.
4111487   For participants in HTML Client, esc key does not exit the user from full screen mode of Share pod in Safari
4111212 For participants in HTML Client, overlapping of the Pencil tool on other objects does not work properly in Whiteboard.
4110646 For participants in HTML Client, the keyboard shortcut for moving the focus to the next/previous pod doesn't work as expected.
4110377 For participants in HTML Client, the presentation play bar controls do not work when JAWS screen reader is enabled.
4110370 For participants in HTML Client, the screen reader does not read out correct information when a PPT is shared after sharing another content in the same share pod.
4110244 For participants in HTML Client, white break lines are visible in broad brush on whiteboard drawings.
4110087 For participants in HTML Client, Print option is not visible for Shared Whiteboard.
4108580 For participants in HTML Client, Mic device changes are not detected in Safari.
4108377 For participants in HTML Client, the 'New mic device available' notifier is not shown to HTML users in Safari.

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