Adobe Connect 11.0 Release Notes

This document contains details about the Adobe Connect 11.0 release, including release dates, technical requirements, upgrades, improvements, and known issues.


Adobe Connect enables you to create rich digital training, webinars, and collaboration experiences. For an overview of Adobe Connect, see

Adobe Connect 11.0 is a major release providing new meeting applications, a completely new interface for hosts and presenters, improvements to key features, and greater accessibility.

Release dates

Adobe Connect 11.0 rolls out in the following phases:

Hosted services:

Upgrades will begin on Aug 30, 2020. See Adobe Connect Downloads and Updates to determine the upgrade date for your account.

On-premise deployments:

Will be available from Sep 17, 2020.

Managed services:

Contact your Adobe Connect Managed Services (ACMS) representative, or private cloud provider, to schedule an upgrade.

What's New in Adobe Connect 11.0

New Applications

The new Adobe Connect 11 Windows application provides an all new user interface across meetings, virtual classrooms, and seminar rooms. Users can access all features, including HD cameras and screen sharing. A new Mac application provides greater reliability and better support for USB microphones.

Improved Features

Hosts have greater flexibility in managing layouts, controlling access to the host/presenter area, and naming breakout rooms. Share pods now support GIF content, participants can be rotated through breakout rooms, and layouts can be locked. 

Enhanced Participants Rights

Participants in a browser can now be given enhanced capabilities including webcam and drawing rights. Participants in a browser will now get presenter rights when moved to breakout rooms.

Greater Accessibility

Participants can now access subtitles and descriptive audio tracks in MP4 videos. Uploaded PDF content can now be read by screen readers.

For more information on the new features and enhancements in Adobe Connect 11.0, see What's New in Adobe Connect.

System requirements

For the latest system requirements, see the Adobe Connect Technical Specifications page.

Adobe Connect application

This update includes new versions of the Adobe Connect application for both Windows and Mac. 

You will be prompted to install and run the new Adobe Connect application in the following situations:

  • You attempt to login to a meeting using a previous version of the Adobe Connect meeting application.
  • You attempt to share your screen from a browser.
  • You select “Switch to desktop application” from the meeting context menu.

The 'lightning installer' workflow, which installed the application directly from within the meeting, required the Flash Player and is no longer available with Adobe Connect 11.

If you are an administrator, ensure that end users have the latest Adobe Connect application. Download the latest stand-alone or MSI installers for the Adobe Connect application  from this page, or install directly from the following URLs:

Upgrade paths for on-premise deployments

Here are the prerequisites for this release:

  • From Adobe Connect 8.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.x
  • From Adobe Connect 9.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 11.0
  • From Adobe Connect 10.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 11.0

Issues resolved

Issue Tracking Number Issue Description
2927236  Added ability for hosts to see ‘who’s talking’ indicator privately
 Fixed ARIA labels in Q&A pod for Screen Readers [Accessibility – WCAG Conformance]
4109738   Improvement – added ability to have an Event link button open in new tab
 Fixed an issue with macOS and USB microphones causing freezing
 Fixed issue with out of sync PowerPoint animation playback in HTML view
 Fixed issues related to calendar logic for Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Events
 Fixed issue where view count did not increment for Presenter 11 hybrid content
 Fixed issue with slides not changing in some recordings
 Fixed issue where PowerPoint was not in sync between hosts and participants
 Fixed issue with PDF view alignment between application and HTML
 Changed default settings in Compliance and Control for HTML Custom Pods to be Enabled
 Fixed issue with Breakout Room Performance
 Upgrade Application Server to Tomcat 9.0.35
 Upgrade to JDK security baseline 1.8.0_251
 Fixed issue with recordings in Templates folder appearing as duplicates in My Recordings
 Fixed issues with HTML Custom Pod SDK – syncConnector, caughtUp(), others

Known issues

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description


 .x-emf images in PowerPoint are not converted


 Cameras not appearing in HTML view in Citrix XenApp. Switch to ‘Classic View’ to view cameras. 

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