Adobe Connect 12.4 Release Notes

This document contains details about the Adobe Connect 12.4 release, including release dates, technical requirements, upgrades, improvements, and known issues.


Adobe Connect enables you to create rich digital training, webinars, and collaboration experiences. For an overview of Adobe Connect, see

Adobe Connect 12.4 is a minor release introducing new features, improvements to existing features, greater accessibility and fixes to known issues.

Release dates

Adobe Connect 12.4 will roll out in the following phases:

Hosted services:

Upgrades will begin on Jun 3, 2023. See Adobe Connect Downloads and Updates to determine the upgrade date for your account.

On-premise deployments:

Will be available by the second week of August 2023

Managed services:

Contact your Adobe Connect Managed Services (ACMS) representative, or private cloud provider, to schedule an upgrade.

What's new in Adobe Connect 12.4

Native Quizzing

Adobe Connect is introducing native quizzing capabilities with this release. A new Quiz pod is being introduced, which will allow trainers (hosts) to conduct and monitor quizzes natively in Adobe Connect virtual classrooms, seminar rooms, and meeting rooms. 

  •  The quiz pod supports up to 10 questions in a single pod. Multiple quiz pods can be opened in a single room.

  • Initially, multiple choice, multiple answers, fill in the blank, and yes/no questions are supported in quiz pod.

  • Hosts and Presenters would be able to monitor the live progress of each participant when a quiz is in progress.

  • Various configuration options are supported, like quiz time, allowing participants to review their quiz submissions and more.

  • Gamification option is also present by showing a live leaderboard to attendees.

  • Multiple quiz reports like quiz summary, question level summary, and learner transcript are available after the session in Adobe Connect Central pages. These reports are also available via webservice apis or exportable in CSV format.

  • Quiz pod isn't yet supported in mobile apps, but support in mobile apps will be added later this year.


Enhanced Event Templates and Catalog

  • The event templates and event catalog have been enhanced to have responsive capabilities for optimal viewing experience on mobile and tablet devices.

  • When editing a template in the authoring view, the user can customize the design for mobile devices and desktop.
  • Additional font options have been made available.
  • New enhanced default event template, email template, and event catalog are available, responsive by design.
  • Note that the existing components and templates in an account are still available.
  • New options are available for Event Administrators -
    • to choose whether the new events are created using the new default templates or existing older default templates. By default, the new events are created with new default template.
    • to enable or disable the new event catalog. By default, the new catalog is disabled. 


Recording Editor

Hosts will be able to edit recordings for Enhanced Audio Video enabled rooms. The new recording capability works from browsers and allows hosts to edit out sections of recording without needing to download the desktop application. 

  • The new recording editor will have various usability enhancements to allow the host to easily navigate to a specific point in time on the seek bar for granular editing. 

  • The recording editor playbar will also show a thumbnail preview, allowing the host to edit at the right frames.

  • The recording URL will not change after edits have been done. The recording URL will always point to the most updated edited version of the recording. 

  • The host can revert to the original recording at any point in time.


Support for 1080p Screen Resolution in Recordings

  • Hosts will now have the option in Adobe Connect room preferences to increase the resolution of recordings to 1080p from 720p. 


Automatic Closed Captions (BETA)

Automated closed captions are now available within all Adobe Connect rooms with Enhanced Audio/Video enabled. The host will have an option to enable it for a room. Once enabled by the host, participants will be able to turn on closed captions display. Hosts can also email the generated closed captions to themselves or download them as a text file. The automated closed captions will also be visible in the recordings (if the closed captions were turned on for the room when recording was started).


Modernized Adobe Connect Central Home Page and Navigation

  • The Adobe Connect Central home page has been modernized and simplified.  The modernized home page will have a dashboard view for hosts, providing them a quick glance at their sessions – upcoming webinars or trainings, recently completed webinars or trainings, recently used rooms, and recent recordings. In addition, the host can also view a calendar view. 

  • For first-time users, a ‘Quick Overview Widget’ has also been introduced to provide contextual help guides for Adobe Connect Webinar and Training workflows.

  • The host and learner views have been segregated to give a de-cluttered experience for the host.


New Licensing structure for hosted deployments

  • With this release, we are introducing more flexible and competitive licensing for hosted deployments.

  • The existing customers can move to the new structure at the time of their license renewal.

  • For more details, please get in touch with your respective partner or sales contact.


Virtual Video Background 

This 12.2 beta feature is now fully supported. Please check the system requirements for the publisher sharing video with virtual backgrounds at Adobe Connect technical specifications and system requirements.

Accessibility fixes

Multiple accessibility issues, mostly related to keyboard access and a few related to contrast ratio, have been fixed.


Updated Installer for On-Premise customers

An installer will be available for on-premise customers to upgrade to 12.4.


System requirements

For the latest system requirements, see the Adobe Connect Technical Specifications page.

Upgrade paths for on-premise deployments

Here are the prerequisites for this release:

  • From Adobe Connect 9.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.0 before applying this patch
  • From Adobe Connect 10.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.0 before applying this patch
  • From Adobe Connect 11.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.0 before applying this patch

Issues resolved in server version 12.4

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description


Extended the search functionality in the home page to include beyond first word. 


Fixed an issue in the edit workflow of email templates which was causing issues when user tried to add a Column control to a three-column template.  


Fixed an issue where certain regions of a shared PDF document could not be annotated. 


Fixed an issue where it was not possible to retrieve the Peak Concurrent Users Per Day Report under System Usage Reports. 


Fixed a typo in the pop-up that is displayed when a guest tries to enter a meeting, which has been configured for guest entry to be approved. 


Fixed an issue where the session exit time was being captured incorrectly in some scenarios, resulting in attendance report showing inaccurate time spent in meeting.


Fixed an issue where a user got a Connection Error message during a session indicating that the Adobe Connect media server was not responding. 


Fixed an issue related to long running meetings while performing maintenance activities on servers for on-premise installations.


Fixed an issue where a registered user would receive multiple event update notification emails after modifying the event.


Fixed an issue where content using Cambria Math font in slides for mathematical notations were not being converted for accurate rendering.

Fixed an issue where black slide backgrounds were not being converted accurately.  
Fixed an issue where the default message for blocking incoming users was still being displayed instead of the configured custom message for WebRTC based meetings.
Fixed an issue the date filters were not being passed correctly in the Cumulative Mobile Device Usage Report (a System Usage Report).
Fixed an issue in the chat pod where the box to type in the chat was getting cut off in both the Adobe Connect application and the web browser.
4140140, 4140667 Fixes for security issues identified.

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