Adobe Connect application for Mac 2019.4.1 Release Notes

Adobe Connect application for Mac 2019.4.1 Release Notes

Adobe Connect application for Mac 2019.4.1 is the latest release for the Mac platform and available from May 1, 2019. 

It is a mandatory update and starting Jun 13th 2019, users will be asked to install the new application under the following circumstances:

  • User tries to start or join an Adobe Connect meeting using an older version of the application.
  • User starts screenshare or shares PowerPoint (PPTX format) files, using an older version of the application.

Issues resolved with this version

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description


Fixed an issue where Mac application crashes intermittently when initiating screenshare.


Fixed an issue where 'Applications Sharing' using Mac application shows only blue screen in the Mini Control Panel.


Fixed an issue where Mac application is tunneling when TLS1.0 is disabled.

Manual installation (Mac)

  1. Click here to download the Adobe Connect application for Mac.

  2. Save the file when prompted. By default, it is saved in the Downloads folder.

  3. Open the downloaded file to launch the installer.

  4. Follow the installer instructions to install the application.

If you are an administrator of a locked-down IT environment, ensure that all of your end-users have the new version of the Adobe Connect application and Adobe Flash Player (version 13.0 or later) installed. Download the Adobe Connect application from this page, or directly from the following link:

If you have any questions, contact Adobe using your regular support channels or visit the support page.

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