Adobe Connect application for desktop 2023.11.556 Release Notes

This document contains details about Adobe Connect application for desktop version 2023.11.556, including release dates, issues resolved, and improvements.


Adobe Connect application for desktop version 2023.11.556 is an optional update for Mac OS users with fixes to a few known issues. 

This update is backwards compatible with all Adobe Connect 10.x, 11.x and 12.x accounts.

Release date

Adobe Connect Application 2023.11.556 for Mac OS

Release Date: November 30, 2023

These applications are available from the
Adobe Connect Downloads and Updates page. 

What's new in Adobe Connect Application 2023.11.556

Share system sound on Mac desktop application

Users on Mac devices will be able to share system sound when sharing their screen from Adobe Connect application for Mac. This feature was already available on the Adobe Connect application for Windows.

NOTE: This feature will only be available from MacOS 13.0 (Ventura) onwards

Issues resolved with this version


Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description

Mac 4136425
Display an alert when the Adobe Connect app does not has sufficient permissions to share screen.




For the latest system requirements, see the Adobe Connect Technical Specifications page.

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