Access rights for meeting room settings

Registered users, account members, and guests can access the meeting room. Entry of every user depends on the access rights the host has provided. Different possibilities lay independent experiences for the users.
Registered users: Users who are account members (not guests) are explicitly added to the attendee list in the room.
Account members: Members who are the users in the account and if they are not on the registered user list.
Guests: Attendees who are joining the meeting via event registration or directly.

Entry of every user depends on the access rights the host has provided. Different possibilities lay independent experiences for the users. To learn about these experiences, view Meeting information for virtual meeting rooms.

Registered users may enter the room
This is the persistent option because this cannot be de-selected. To enter room directly, users must be:

  1. Logged In
  2. Invited or added to the room explicitly

Registered Users are those account members (not guests) who are explicitly added to the attendee list of the room.

  • If the host has not started the room, then,
    • Registered participants cannot enter the room and are shown "Session has not started" message.
    • Registered presenters can enter the room but are demoted to a participant role when a host isn't present.
    • Registered hosts (without a host license) can enter the room but are demoted to a participant role when a host isn't present.
    • Registered hosts (with any host license) can enter the room as hosts without the room's creator being present.
  • If the host has already started the room, all registered users are automatically allowed in with pre-assigned roles.

Account members are the users who are present in the account, and if they are not on the registered user list, then,

  • If the host has not started the room, they cannot join the room directly, regardless of whether they have a host license. They are shown "Request Entry" button and the "Session has not started" message.
  • If the host has started the room, they can request entry to the room and will appear as a Guest seeking entry to the host.

Registered guests have been explicitly added to the account (via Event registration or directly). If they are added to the account directly, then a password can be set for them (but they cannot log in to Connect Central)

  • The Guest entry option isn't shown for such rooms.
  • Even if the registered guest tries to use their guest email and password to log in, they are not let in and are shown an error at the login screen - "As a registered guest, you don't have privileges to enter this room".

Account members may enter the room

Account members are the users who are present in the account. When the 'Account members may enter the room' access option is selected, the Registered users’ access will continue.

When Account members are trying to access a room where they are not on the registered user list, the following scenarios may happen:

  • If the host has not started the room, then,
    • Account members (regardless of whether they have a host license in the account) cannot enter the room and are shown "Session has not started" message.
  • As soon as the host starts the room, they are let in automatically.
  • The Guest entry option isn't shown for such rooms.
    • Even if the registered guest tries to use their guest email and password to log in, they are not let in and are shown an error at the login screen - "As a registered guest, you don't have privileges to enter this room".

Account members may enter the room without host being present

When account members are trying to access a room where they are not on the registered user list, the following scenarios may happen:

  • If the host has not started the room, then,
    • Account members (regardless of whether they have a host license in the account) should be able to enter the room as a participant.
  • The Guest entry option isn't shown for such rooms.
    • Even if the registered guest tries to use their guest email and password to log in, they are not let in and are shown an error at the login screen - "As a registered guest, you don't have privileges to enter this room".

Accepted guests may enter the room

Accepted guests are either the registered guests or the immediate guests who are let into the room by the hosts. This option is the default option for any newly created room. When this option is enabled, the room login screen starts showing two entry options - As a Guest or As a Registered User.

A host must let in the Guests before they can enter the room.

The entry experience for Registered users or Account members will remain the same.

Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room

All Guests can enter the room directly without needing the host to be present. When this option is selected, all other options are auto-selected.

Users must enter room passcode

All users (including the room's creator) must enter the passcode to enter the room. All Guests can enter the room directly without needing the host to be present, but they must enter the passcode. When this option is selected, all other options are auto-selected.

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