Share web URLs

Learn how to share web URLs in a share pod during Adobe Connect session.

During meetings, hosts or presenters may want participants to view websites. You can use the Web Links pod to force attendees’ browsers to open a designated URL. Participants who want to add links ask the host to change their attendee role.


Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and what you can do in meeting rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings.

  1. If you do not have a Web Links pod in your meeting room, click Web Links > Add New Web Links from the from the menu   at the top of the title bar.

  2. Click Add Link either from the center of the screen or from Pod options menu   from upper right to add websites to a Web Links pod.

  3. Type name of the website to Text field and URL address to URL Path field.

    An illustration of how to add Web Link
    An illustration of how to add Web Link

  4. Click Done.


The full list of links appears for both hosts and participants.

Display a web page to all attendees

  1. Select a link in the Web Links pod, or enter a URL in the below text box.

  2. Launch link for all attendees - When the host clicks the launch link, the URL opens in a new instance of the web browser on your screen and each attendee's screen.

    Launch Link for all attendees
    Launch Link for all attendees


The weblinks launched by hosts may not open for the attendees with pop-up blockers enabled in their web browsers 

  1. Double-click a URL name in the Web Links pod.
  2. Type the new name in the URL Name box.

  3. Click OK.
  1. Select one or more links in the Web Links pod.
  2. To remove the Web Link, click Remove ().

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