Turn Creative Cloud notifications on or off

Learn how to turn Creative Cloud notifications on or off.

How to check for notifications

Creative Cloud notifications are typically updates about your apps, files syncing, Adobe Fonts, events related to your apps and services, messages from fellow community users, and important announcements from Adobe. New notifications are indicated by a red dot on top of the Creative Cloud icon, or notifications icon in the Creative Cloud desktop app.

The upper right corner of the Creative Cloud desktop app showing the Account, font, help, notifications, and cloud storage buttons.
New notifications in the Creative Cloud desktop app

Creative Cloud icon in macOS
Creative Cloud icon in macOS

Creative Cloud icon in Windows
Creative Cloud icon in Windows

How to turn notifications on or off

  1. Select the Account icon in the upper right, and then select Preferences.

    The Account menu showing menu items such as Preferences and monthly generative credits for Gen AI features.
    The Preferences dialog box displays multiple options such as Notifications and Appearance.

  2. In the left sidebar, select Notifications.

    The Notifications tab in Preferences showing multiple Notification settings. Based on these settings, users get notifications in their Creative Cloud app.
    Select the required settings.


    In macOS 13 Ventura, you won't receive any Creative Cloud notifications if you've turned off the Adobe Creative Cloud login item in your Mac's System Settings. Learn how to enable the Adobe Creative Cloud login item. Once you turn it back on, you'll start receiving notifications again.

  3. Select the types of notifications that you want to receive. Then select Done.

Unable to receive notifications?

If the Creative Cloud notifications are turned off on your system, you won't receive comments, invitations to edit, and other important updates. Select Preferences > Notificationsgo to system settings and turn on the notifications for Creative Cloud.

The Notifications tab in Preferences showing a caution with Go to system settings button, which leads to the notification settings in your device settings.
The notification settings window in your device settings opens.

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