Previous versions do not appear after selecting the Archived Versions option in Creative Cloud Packager


Select the Show older versions option in Creative Cloud Packager to create an installation package containing an older version of Creative Cloud app. The older versions are not displayed.


By default, when creating a package in Admin Console, only versions that receive security or feature updates (latest and LTS versions) are visible for enterprise admins. Adobe recommends that you create packages with the latest or LTS versions of the apps. However, if you choose an older app version, see the Creative Cloud Support policy to know the extent to which Adobe supports it.

To include other versions in packages, ensure that you have selected the Available application versions in package preferences (Admin Console > Packages > Preferences). 

The archived versions are not listed alongside the current builds but are listed further down the list in the archived applications section.


To include older versions in packages, enterprise admins must select Available application versions in package preferences (Admin Console > Packages > Preferences). For more information, see Packaging apps using Admin Console.

After enabling the preference, scroll down the list of application until you see the older versions.

Additional information

When selecting the Show older versions option, the application list scrolls down to the archived applications by default. However, if the language option is changed, the list refreshes and the cursor returns to the top of the list.

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