My Number Card

My Number Card logo


My Number Card is an electronic identification card issued to residents of Japan, including foreigners residing in Japan.  My Number Card Authentication for Adobe Acrobat Sign delivers identity verification using NFC technology connected to TOPPAN’s JPKI (Japanese Public Key Infrastructure) Platform.  TOPPAN Edge (link in Japanese) is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, and offers identity-proofing solutions to verify the identity of a signer for compliance with know-your-customer (KYC) regulations.  TOPPAN Edge is a business operator with accreditation by Japan’s competent minister.

For admins

Please review the Digital Identity Gateway documentation for more information on how to set up a digital identity provider for use with Acrobat Sign in your organization. To use a digital identity provider with Acrobat Sign, a customer must have a license entitlement to the provider’s services.

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