New Acrobat online services experience

Customize the appearance of Acrobat Online with Dark mode

Switch between the dark and light modes in Acrobat to change the overall look and feel of Acrobat online.

To choose the appearance, select Profile > SettingsAppearance, and then select one of the following themes:

  • Use system setting: When you select Use system setting, Acrobat Online changes the user interface as per the OS theme. If the OS theme is changed at runtime, the theme for Acrobat Online also changes.
  • Light: The default appearance for Acrobat Online is Light. All elements in the user interface and the document background appear light gray.
  • Dark: Setting the appearance to Dark improves visual ergonomics by reducing eye strain and improves screen usage in dark environments – all while conserving battery power.

This feature is being rolled out as an experiment and not available to all users.

Set the appearance in Acrobat online

Introducing a new modern viewer and app experience

Adobe is introducing an entirely reimagined experience for Acrobat online users. The new experience aims to provide an intuitive and smooth experience for viewing content and performing any action on the PDF.

New experience while viewing a PDF

The new experience includes the following user interface elements:

  • The title and menu bars are merged into a unified global bar. The global bar provides ease of access, uncluttered space, and improved document visibility. It also provides the option to use frequently used tools, find text or tools, and share your PDF.
  • document pane in the middle displays the content.
  • navigation pane on the right helps you bookmark pages, view or navigate pages, other viewing options, and all comments on the PDF.
  • quick tools pane on the left helps you add annotations, select text or objects, and fill in a PDF form.
Modern PDF viewer experience

A. Home B. Discover more tools C. Edit, Convert, or Sign PDF tools D. Name and location of document E. Find F. Read out loud G. Share document H. Print or download the file I. Progress of action taken on PDF J. Get help or share feedback K. Notifications L. Your profile M. View all comments and view page thumbnails N. Page viewing options - previous/next page, page number, rotate view, change view modes, zoom in-out control O. Fill and Sign document P. Annotation tools - Add a sticky note, highlight, draw freeform Q. Select or Pan tool 

Save a copy

You can create copies of your cloud documents under Recent, Starred, and Modern Viewer. This way, you can modify the content in the copies while preserving the original document. The feature helps eliminate the tedious task of users reuploading the original file to Adobe Cloud storage multiple times to create copies. After you create a copy of a document, it's listed under the Recent category.

You can create copies for the following file types: 

  • PDF files
  • Draft agreements

However, you're restricted from creating copies of documents that include e-signatures.

To create a copy, open the file in the Acrobat web viewer, and select Save a copy from the Options menu.

Alternatively, hover over the file in the list displayed under Your documents, and select Save a copy from the Options menu for the file.

You can also create a copy by selecting the file under Your documents and then selecting the Save a copy icon from the Preview pane. 

Quick tools menu

The new quick tools menu on the left gives you access to Acrobat's most commonly used tools. By default, the following tools are available:

Use the Select or Pan tool to select objects or pan the document.

Select or Pan tool

Add annotations to your PDF like comment, text comment, highlight, underline, strikethrough, or draw freeform by using the commenting tools on the menu.

Add comment, text comment
Add comment, text comment

Add highlight
Highlight, Underline, or Strikethrough text

Draw freeform
Draw freeform

Use the Adobe Fill & Sign tools on the menu to fill the form or add a signature.

Annotations to fill your form
Annotations to fill your form

Add sign or initial to your form
Add sign or initial to your form

New experience while using a tool

In the new experience, the viewer displays tool-specific options in the left pane if you select Edit, Convert, or Sign. The tools and related options are displayed progressively—as you choose a tool or action in the pane.

Edit text and images

In addition to the tools for editing text and images, the new experience also includes options to organize pages. Choose the Edit option in the top toolbar to view the available tools and options in the left pane.

  1. In the PDF viewer, select Edit in the top bar.

    Ecit PDF

  2. The Edit tool is open on the left pane. You can do any of the following:

    1. Select Text, and select anywhere in the document where you want to add the text.

      Add text

    2. Choose the font type, size, color, alignment, and then type your text.

      Format text

    1. To add an image, select Image.

      Add image to PDF

    2. Choose an image from your Recent, Documents, online storage account, or drag a drop an image file from your computer in the Add Image dialog box, and select Continue.

      Choose image

    1. To organize PDF pages, select Organize Pages.

      Organize pages

    2. In the Organize Pages tool, you can rotate pages, delete pages, and insert, extract pages, or add a custom page.

      Modify file

    You can choose from different templates to create a cover or divider page and add to your PDF.

    1. On the left pane, select Add a custom page.

      Add a custom page

    2. Select the + icon where you want to add a custom page.

      Select where to add a custom page

    3. The Adobe Express app window opens. Choose your desired template and select Add.

      Select your desired template and add

    4. The new page is added to your PDF. Select Edit if you want to make more changes to the new page. The Edit panel for Adobe Express opens. Select Save when you've finished. The updates appear in your PDF.

      Edit template and save changes

      To save a copy of the PDF after making changes, select Save a copy. Otherwise, select Save changes in the left pane.

    1. Select Combine Files in the left pane.

      Combine files

    2. Do the following:

      • Select Add files to select files from your computer or online storage account to merge them into one PDF. 
      • To create a new page from an Adobe Express template, and add it to your PDF, select Add custom page.
    3. Select the + icon where you want to add files.

      Add pages to combine

      • Select a file from your Recent, Documents, online storage account, or drag a drop a file from your computer in the Combine files dialog box, and select Continue.
      • To add a custom page, select your desired template in the Adobe Express window, and select Add.
    4. The selected files are added. Rename the filename as desired, and then select Combine. The PDFs are combined to a single PDF.

    A PDF with various page sizes can be made consistent by cropping pages. You can use the Crop tool to adjust the visible page area.

    1. Select Crop Pages in the left pane.

    2. Move the drag handles on the blue bounding box to crop the page. To apply the margins consistently across all pages, set the Trim Margins in the Page Settings option on the left, specify the Page Range and then select Crop

      Crop pages

      The changes are automatically saved, and the file is uploaded to Adobe Cloud.

    To open your file in the Acrobat destop app for more editing tools, select Use advanced desktop tools in the left pane.

    Use advanced desktop tools

    Any changes to the document are automatically saved when you close the tool.

Convert files to and from PDF, or compress PDF

Use the Convert tool to convert your PDF to other formats and conversely. In addition to the convert workflows, the new experience also includes options to compress a PDF. Choose the Convert option in the top toolbar to view the available tools and options in the left pane.

  1. In the PDF viewer, select Convert in the top bar.

    Convert tool

  2. The Convert tool is open on the left pane. You can do any of the following:

    1. Choose the desired format you want to convert your PDF file to, and then select Convert To <file format>.

      Convert PDF to other formats

    2. Select the checkmark icon in the top toolbar to view the document conversion progress. Once done, the converted file is saved to your Document Cloud account. You can view and edit the converted document in the Microsoft Office web application or download the file to your desktop.

      Converted file

    1. In the Convert tool, select Compress.

      Compress PDF

    2. In the Compress PDF window, choose your desired compression level, and then select Compress.

      Compress PDF options

    3. Select the check mark icon in the top toolbar to view the document compression progress. Once done, the compressed file is saved to your Adobe Cloud storage. Select the download icon to download the file to your desktop.

      Download the compressed file

Fill and sign a PDF form

In the left pane, choose the tools to fill out the form or add a signature. You can also select the Sign tool in the top toolbar and request signatures from others using Acrobat Sign.

To fill out a PDF form, do any of the following:

  • From the left pane of the PDF viewer, select Fill form field or choose a text box icon. Then use the annotations to fill the form.

  • In the top toolbar, select Sign, and then use the annotations to fill the form.

To sign your PDF form, do any of the following:

  • From the left pane of the PDF viewer, select the Add signature icon, and then Add signature or Add initials.

  • In the top toolbar, select Sign, and then select Add signature or Add initials.

In the top toolbar, select Sign, and then select Request Signatures. The Adobe Sign window is open in a new browser tab. Follow the onscreen instructions to enter the recipient's email ID, subject line, and message. Add a signature field and then select Send.

Share a PDF with others

You can quickly share a PDF link with others for viewing or commenting. Select the invite or the Get Link icon in the upper-right toolbar.

  1. In the top toolbar, select the Get Link icon.

  2. By default, the Allow comments switch is turned on. To share the file only for viewing, select the switch to turn it off. Select Get Link.

    Share link with others

    The shared file is open in Acrobat viewer after the link is created. Share the copied link with others.

  1. In the top toolbar, select the Invite icon.

    Share doc with others

  2. By default, the Allow comments switch is turned on. To share the file only for viewing, select the switch to turn it off. Enter the name or email of the recipients, and then select Invite.

    Invite share

    The shared file is open in Acrobat viewer after the link is shared with the recipients.

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