Find and check my installation logs

Your computer’s installation logs contain detailed information about the exact cause of each installation failure. If you continue to experience installation failures, you can review your installation logs to find additional information regarding its causes.

Try the solutions on this page if you receive the following error while trying to install an application from the Creative Cloud for desktop app:

There was a problem installing <product name>.

How to use the installer logs to learn more about your errors

You can find your error code in the error message or in the installer logs.

More information link in the error message

When you click the More Information link in the error message, you get the error code that the Creative Cloud for desktop app uses to identify the problem. You can also see other important information, such as the path of the filename affected or the registry value.

An example of details that the More Information link provides.

Installer logs

You can also find the error code in the log file created by the installer. The log file also contains other details that can help troubleshoot the error. Search for the Install.log file at the following location:

  • Windows 7, 8, and 10 (64 bit): C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers
  • Windows 7, 8, and 10 (32 bit): C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Installers
  • macOS: /Library/logs/Adobe/Installers/


Don't see an install.log file? Your product may create a log.gz file instead. See Analyze the main Creative Cloud product install log for information.

Find the solution for your error code

To learn how to fix a specific error, see Fix errors installing Creative Cloud apps.

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