Device activation limit | Creative Cloud 2019

How do I handle the device activation limit message on my Creative Cloud 2019?

Your Creative Cloud subscription lets you install your apps on two devices. When you sign in to a device and Adobe detects that you have exceeded your device activation limit, you are prompted with a message indicating this. This article describes the different device activation limit scenarios and what you can do in each case. You can also learn more about the number of devices on which you can use your Creative Cloud subscription.


An Adobe account can be used by only one person and cannot be shared. Learn about account sharing for individual plans.

Sign out of one of the signed in devices

If you have exceeded your device activation limit, you can sign out of one of the other devices on which you are currently signed in. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. To sign out of one of the other devices, click Sign out on the corresponding tile.

    Adobe software activation error message prompting the user to sign out of another device to continue. Displays two activated devices with options to sign out, manage accounts, or quit Adobe apps

  2. When you are signed out of the other device, click Continue.

    Adobe Acrobat screen showing a message that the device was activated successfully.

The app launches successfully on this device.


If you launch an app on the device that you have signed out of in Step 2 above, you are prompted with the device activation limit dialog box.

Use another Adobe ID on this device

When you are prompted with the device activation limit message, you can choose to sign out of this device with this Adobe ID. After you are signed out of this device with the current Adobe ID, you can then sign in again with another Adobe ID.

  1. To sign out of this device, click Sign out and use a different Adobe ID.

  2. In the confirmation dialog, click Sign out.

  3. To sign in on this device with another Adobe ID, choose Help > Sign In.

  4. Sign in with another Adobe ID.

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