Marking faces in photos and organizing people stacks | Elements Organizer 13


The functionality and interface of this feature have been enhanced. The corresponding article for the latest version of Elements Organizer is available at this link.

You can identify faces of people featuring in your photos and then organize photos containing them. The identified faces then populate as people stacks based on this labeling. People view allows you to organize your photos based on the people you identify in each photo.

By switching to People view, you can see stacks of all labeled people. Double click on a person's stack to view all images having that person labeled in them.

The tag panel must be activated to view the people tags. Click Tags/Info in the action bar to activate Tags panel.


Marking faces in photos

You can identify the faces that appear in photos and create people stacks. This helps organize and identify photos based on the people that appear in those photos. For example, if your friend Jim appears in some of your photos, you can mark Jim and then sort/view the photos featuring Jim.

People stack refers to a stack which has all the photos of the person identified and added to the people list in Elements Organizer.

  1. Switch to the Media view. Click Add People to initiate adding people.

    You can either select a particular photo or set of photos and identify people in the photos. To select multiple photos, press Ctrl(Win) or Cmd(Mac) and select the photos. Notice that the selected photos appear highlighted with a blue border.

  2. Identify faces in the People Recognition dialog box. Click on a face and enter the name of the person.

    Elements Organizer recognizes faces imported in the media and provides selection choices.

    You can also download your friend list from facebook. This helps you tag people that appear in your photos and are present in your friend list.

  3. Click Save.

    A confirmation message is displayed confirming that the faces have been labeled. You can go to People view to view the stacks of the people labelled in the photos.

View people stacks in the People view

Once you have identified faces in the photos and labelled the people, you can switch to the People view to organize them further.

Click the People tab to view the people stacks formed. People stacks refer to the stacks of photos of a person.


Alternatively, you can also navigate to a person's stack while identifying a face and labelling it in the Media view.

While entering the person's name, click on the arrow next to the person's name to move to the people stack of that person in People view.

Download Facebook friend list and mark friends' faces in photos

Elements Organizer interacts with Facebook and helps you download your contact list. While adding people, you can download your Facebook friend list and identify faces of friends (present in your friend list).

  • In the Media view, select a photo and click Add People.
  • In the People Recognition dialog box, click Download/Update facebook friend's list to name people.

  • Click Authorize and enter your facebook login credentials. Close the facebook window after authenticating successfully. 


The friends list is downloaded to Elements Organizer. You can start tagging photos of your facebook contacts in organizer now.


The Facebook information is stored for 24 hours only in Elements Organizer.

Mark missing faces in photos

There could be people in photos whose faces you were not able to identify in the initial workflows. For example, a friend named Cathy was added to your facebook friend's list after you took photos at a friend's birthday party. Also, there can be some faces appearing in photos that were taken from a distance or turned away faces.

You can identify such missing faces by marking them.

  • In the Media view, select the photo in which a missing face has to be marked. The Mark Face button is present only when viewing images in full zoom Single Image View.
  • Double-click on the photo to open it in an expanded view and click Mark Face button in the task pane.

The photo opens in a wider view. If the Who Is This? selection box is not placed over the person you want to label, select the box and drag it over the face of that person.

Enter the name of the person and click the confirm icon.


Automatic face recognition is supported only in photos. For videos and audios we need to label people manually using the Add a Person button. Double-click on a photo or video and click Add a Person and enter the name of the person.

Find more faces of a person

Once you have identified faces in the photos of a person, you can also find more photos of the same person. There can be photos that you have shot, downloaded, or imported after identifying the person's face in a set of photos.

  1. Switch to People view by clicking on the People tab.

  2. Click Find More.

  3. A set of photos is displayed with the faces of the person selected. Select the photos which you want to tag to that person.

  4. Click Save.

Mark missing faces in videos

You can identify faces appearing in videos too.

  1. Select the video file and double-click to open the file.

  2. Click Add a Person.

  3. In the Add a Person dialog box, enter the name of the person you identify in the video and want to tag. If you have already downloaded your Facebook friend list, you might get suggestions as soon as you begin typing the name of the person.

People groups and managing photos

You can further improve identifying faces in photos by organizaing them by groups. A group displays photostacks of people tagged for that group.

For example, you can create a group named work or colleagues and tag photos of people from your professional contacts.

  1. Switch to people view. Click on Groups to switch to Groups mode.

    The switch bar is present on the task bar. You can switch back to people view by moving the switching the silder to People by clicking next to it.

  2. In the Groups pane, you can add and organize groups. Click the add button (+) to create a new people group.

    1. Enter the name of the group.
    2. Select a group from the drop down list Group, to add this group as a child or sub-group to that group. Do not select anything from the Group list to create a new group.
    3. Click Ok.

    You can rename a group by selecting that group and selecting Rename from the Add flyout menu.

    To delete a group, select the group and select Delete from the Add Flyout menu.

  3. There are two ways of assigning a group to a photo stack.

    • In the Group pane, select the group and drag it on the Person stack.


    • Select a person's stack and drag it to the group name in the Groups pane.

Navigating in the People view

You can do several things in the People view to navaigate effectively through the People stacks.

  • Assign as profile pic: Double-click on a people stack. The photos present in that stack are displayed in the workspace. Right-click a photo and select Assign as Profile Picture.
  • Navigation bar: Double-click on a people stack. Switch between faces and photos to view the maximized photos of the tagged faces.
  • Open a photo for editing: Double-click on a photo to open it in a mazimized view. Right-click on the photo and select Edit with Photoshop Elements Editor to edit it further.

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