User Management after Update

As an admin for Adobe products in your organization, the business storage update changes some of what you see in the Admin Console, and some of how you navigate to perform administrative tasks. 

Administrative tasks fall into the following categories:

  • User directory management (identity and authentication)

  • Profile management (authorization for access)

  • Asset management (storage and sharing)

User management (identities)

A user's authentication account in your user directory contains their identity (unique email address), along with organizational information such as group membership.

Tasks: Work with users in the Users tab of the Admin Console to:

  • Add new users
  • Remove or deactivate users
  • Manage group memberships
  • For enterprises with managed accounts (Enterprise ID/Federated ID)
    When the Business ID is linked to a managed authentication account, that account appears in the user directory that is linked to the email domain. 
    • Manage authentication information, such as the name, email address, and password.   
    • Change user identity types
  • For teams customers
    All users in the directory for a teams customer authenticate with Adobe IDs. The Business ID listed in the user directory links to the Adobe ID through the email address. It is not directly editable.
    • The user controls their own Adobe ID. As an admin, you can ask users to change their own account information at
    • Otherwise, you can only change the authentication information by removing the user's Business ID, and adding it back with a new email address (in any public or unclaimed domain).  Those will be new accounts with none of the assets from the old accounts. They would need to be reprovisioned.

Profile management (delegation)

A user's Business ID account associates their authentication ID with a business profile. This account contains the user's provisioning status; that is, what Adobe products and services that user can access when they sign in with your organization's profile. You control access by delegating seats for a product in the product profile.  

Tasks: Work with product profiles to provide users with access to products:

  • Add product access for users or groups
  • Remove product access for users or groups

Asset management (cloud storage)

When you give a business user access to your organization's cloud storage, you can manage who has access to assets that user creates.

Tasks: Work with the storage tab to:

  • Manage sharing
  • Reassign assets

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