Adobe Learning Manager | Product description

Last updated: July 23, 2022

What is Adobe Learning Manager?

Adobe Learning Manager offers learning management capabilities and allows for online collaboration using a web browser, and an internet connection in a multi-tenant environment. This On-demand Service provides the capability for an administrator to add and register users to an account, create and assign self-paced e-learning courses and programs to users, and track course consumption and other learning related data through reports.

Adobe Learning Manager offers Content Catalog, a set of ready to use content base that you can purchase. You can buy off the shelf courses such as courses in business skills, workplace compliance, Adobe creative cloud, and technology in our curated content marketplace.

Products and Services

License Metric


Adobe Learning Manager

Per User, Monthly-Unique Active User (MAU)

On-demand Service

Product limitations

Customer may create an account in which a Registered User can access and consume training content and track attendance and course results.  Each account must have at least one Admin at all times.  An Admin license may be reassigned from one individual to another.


Admin means an individual employed by Customer to administer the On-demand Service license on behalf of Customer, and is a type of Registered User and who also designate a Registered User to upload the content on the On-demand Service and allow designated Registered Users to view and track user completion and course results of Registered Users. 

User is a single identified User on a named user basis, meaning that User license is granted to a single individual who is authorized to access or use On-demand Services licensed herein. Customer may permit User to access the account and consume trainings. The number of individuals accessing On-demand Services may not exceed the number of User for which Customer has taken the license.

Monthly-Unique Active User (MAU) means any individual who in a given calendar month Consumes training content. “Consume” means to consume, download, or access training content or otherwise participate in social learning or training such that such User’s attendance is recorded. Each Year, Customer may Consume Monthly-Unique Active User units up to the applicable Quantity limit. Each twelve-month period during the License Term constitutes one “Year”.

For example, if the same individual Consumes training content in two different calendar months, that counts as two Monthly-Unique Active User units. Unused Monthly-Unique Active User units expire at the end of each Year and do not carry over to the next Year.

Course means a single consolidation of Work(s) and eLearning modules on a specific topic that is created and supplied to the Customer with Adobe Learning Manager.

Content Contributor is the proprietary owner of Courses who has authorized Adobe to exhibit and sublicense such Courses on Adobe Learning Manager.

Add-on(s) means additional Products and Services that may be licensed by Customer and identified on the Sales Order.

For usage of Add-on, Customer must have and be in compliance with a valid license to Adobe Learning Manager Add-on. The use of Adobe Learning Manager Add -On is subject to applicable terms associated with that Add-on.

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