Feature summary | Photoshop on the iPad (August 2021 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the August 2021 release of Photoshop on the iPad (version 2.7).

Extract objects with Magic Wand

This highly requested iconic Photoshop feature is useful for quickly extracting objects from a flat background, quickly selecting an irregularly shaped area, or selecting a distinctly colored element.  

To make a selection using the Magic Wand tool, do the following:

  1. Double-tap or long-press the Lasso tool from the toolbar to reveal all selection tools and actions. Select the Magic Wand tool.
  2. From the tool options that appear, specify a selection option: New Selection, Add to Selection, Subtract from SelectionIntersect with Selection, Brush size, and more Magic wand settings.
  3. In the Magic wand settings menu, you can set a sample size for your selection. You can also choose to enable or disable the following —  Anti-alias, Contiguous, and Sample all layers options. Disable Contiguous if you want to select nonadjacent areas of similar color.
  4. Tap the color in your image that you want to select to make your selection.
  5. Once your selection is done, you can see the Active selection properties bar appear at the bottom of your workspace. You can further choose to — Deselect, Mask, Erase, Invert, Refine Edge, Transform selection, or Select similar.

To learn more, see Make selections and add masks.

Project your canvas

Plugging your iPad into an external display (monitor, TV) via HDMI or USB-C will project your canvas onto that display (without the Photoshop UI) and let you show your document as you edit it live.

To project your canvas, simply navigate to the App Settings dialog > General and enable Canvas projection.  

To learn more, see Manage app settings.

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