Adobe Premiere Pro hangs on launch on macOS

Premiere Pro shows the Permissions dialog and hangs on macOS.


When Premiere Pro launches on macOS, it checks if it has permissions to access these three folders: Desktop, Documents, and Downloads. If it does not have permissions, Premiere Pro displays the following dialog:

Premiere Pro requesting access
Premiere Pro requesting access

If you choose to Deny or Open Preferences, Premiere Pro quits. This error occurs because if you grant permission, Premiere Pro needs to restart. If you don't give permission, Premiere Pro can't run and must quit. 

Why does this issue occur?

This issue is seen in one of the following situations:

Case 1: You clicked Don’t Allow to the initial macOS prompt for permission.

Case 2: You revoked permission for Premiere Pro by opening System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Files and Folders and unchecking the permissions for Premiere Pro 22.0.

Case 3: An OS upgrade or some other process corrupted the system database that manages permissions. In this case System Preferences may show Premiere Pro 22.0 having access, yet when Premiere Pro launches it does not detect the access and shows the Premiere Pro dialog.


Cases 1 and 2:

If you are experiencing a hang and have either denied or revoked the permissions, the solution is to:

  1. Quit Premiere Pro.

  2. Open System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Files and Folders, locate Premiere Pro 22.0, and check the boxes for any folders listed there.

  3. Relaunch Premiere Pro.

Case 3:

If the permissions appear correct in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Files and Folders, but Premiere Pro still shows a dialog about missing permissions, you may have a corrupted system database for permissions. In this case:

  1. Uninstall Premiere Pro.

  2. Restart the system.

  3. Install Premiere Pro.

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