Feature summary | Adobe Premiere Rush | January 2021 release

Learn about new features and enhancements in the January (1.5.44) release of Adobe Premiere Rush.

New soundtracks and sound effects

Premiere Rush now includes 80+ new royalty-free soundtracks from Triple Scoop Music’s roster of independent artists, songwriters and composers. Also included are 1000+ new sound effects, and 150+ new sound loops.

Search for audio in Premiere Rush

You can now quickly search for in-built audio within Premiere Rush using keywords. The results include matching titles, artists, genres and categories.

Search for audio assets included with Premiere Rush
Search for audio assets included with Premiere Rush

Search for graphics in Premiere Rush

You can now search across all graphics categories in Premiere Rush. 

Search for graphics in Premiere Rush
Search for graphics in Premiere Rush

Pan and zoom enhancements

You can now easily switch between Start and End boxes using the Go to Start or Go to End buttons.

For more information on Pan and zoom, see:

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