Creative Cloud Synced files End of life for Premiere Rush

To improve the Adobe Creative Cloud storage experience, we will discontinue Creative Cloud Synced files for business plans, including Creative Cloud for Teams and Creative Cloud for Enterprise. 

Starting December 11, 2023, new users and organizations will not be entitled to Creative Cloud Synced files. Starting February 1, 2024, Creative Cloud Synced files will be discontinued for personal accounts that existed before December 11, 2023. Starting October 1, 2024, Creative Cloud Synced files will be discontinued for business accounts created before December 11, 2023.


Be aware that these functions will stop working in all previous versions of Premiere Rush (for those who don't have access) even if the user interface is still present in the app.   

In version 2.10.0 (December 2023), Premiere Rush will check if you have access using your Adobe ID. If you have access, you'll see the UI and be able to use the functions. The user interface and associated functionality are no longer available if you don't have access.

Sync with Creative Cloud

  • This functionality will be removed for non-entitled users. 

  • New Project window > Sync with Creative Cloud (lower left corner).

  • Home screen > Turn Sync On/Off (located in the overflow menu for each project).

  • When creating new projects, uploading new media to Creative Cloud will no longer be possible.

  • Files downloaded to the local Creative Cloud files directory can still be accessed and backed up as needed.

  • Rush Desktop can still be installed and utilized on local systems with file syncing disabled.  You can still use Rush in a local-only workflow if you cannot access Creative Cloud Files.

  • Rush projects with local media will open and can be edited in Premiere Pro.
  • Rush Projects synced before CC files is discontinued can be opened in Premiere Pro and archived or backed up as needed. 
  • Once Creative Cloud Files is discontinued, Rush projects can still be opened in Premiere Pro, but Projects may open with offline media once Creative Cloud sync has been discontinued.
  • When Creative Cloud Synced files gets discontinued for a user, the Creative Cloud Files folder on your device will be renamed. For more details, see 'Where do I find my Creative Cloud Files folder on my local device?' section here.

Migrating your Premiere Rush projects to Premiere Pro

Here are the recommended steps to move your projects to Premiere Pro and back up your media.

If you still have access to Creative Cloud synced files, do the following:

  1. Open Premiere Rush on your desktop.

  2. Open the project you wish to backup to view the files in the Timeline. You can also open the Creative Cloud files folder to view synced media files. 

  3. Once you are sure everything has synced you can close Premiere Rush. 

  4. Open Premiere Pro. 

  5. From the Home screen, select Open Premiere Rush Project from the lower left corner of the screen. 

  6. Double click on the project. Premiere Pro will convert the project and open it. 

  7. Now, you can inspect the project. Currently, the media is still stored in the Creative Cloud desktop sync folder. It is recommended to copy it to a new location.   

  8. The Project manager can help you copy the media to a new location. 

    1. Open the Project Manager from the File menu.
    2. Sequence – select all the sequences you wish to include.
    3. Resulting Project – select Collect Files and Copy to New Location.
    4. Destination Path – select the location on the disk to copy the media. This could be an external hard drive or a third-party syncing service.
    5. Disk Space – select “calculate” to see how much disk space is needed.
    6. Options – You can generally accept the defaults. One choice you may wish to make is to Exclude Unused Clips. With this option checked, it will not copy clips not used in any of the sequences selected.  If unsure, leave this option unchecked so that every piece of media is copied, whether or not it’s used in a sequence.
    7. Select OK to start the copy operation.
  9. You can find the folder at the location you specified. Copied_[project name]. All the media and a new project file are contained within. 

  10. Open the project to verify the process is giving the required results. 

If you no longer have access to Creative Cloud synced files, do the following:

  1. Download your files from using these instructions. 

  2. Open Premiere Pro. 

  3. From the Homescreen, select Open Premiere Rush Project from the lower left corner of the screen. 

  4. Double click on the project. Premiere Pro will convert the project and open it

  5. The Link Media dialog will pop up because Premiere Pro cannot find the media associated with this project. 

  6. Select Locate in the Link Media dialog. Navigate to the files you downloaded. Once you find the first file, Premiere Pro should be able to reconnect the other files in that same directory.  

  7. Save the project. 

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