Signer Identity Verification


When enabled, the Signer Identity Verification feature requires that any user (as defined by the email address) in your Adobe Acrobat Sign account must authenticate to Acrobat Sign before applying their signature.

Signer Identity Verification addresses two use cases:

  • Signing agreements - When an agreement is sent to a signer in the account from a trusted source, the user is challenged to authenticate to Acrobat Sign immediately after selecting the Review and sign link in the email.
  • Signing web forms - When a signer attempts to sign a web form that has been created in the same Acrobat Sign account that the user is in, they are challenged either when confirming the email address or when accessing the document after it has been saved.

The Signer Identity Verification process is applied in addition to any authentication method configured in the agreement or web form.


Signer Identity Verification contains two independently selectable options which can only be enabled or disabled.


Signer Identity Verification is limited to enterprise-tier accounts.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

To enable, navigate to Account Settings > SecuritySettings > Signer Identity Verification

Navigate to the Signer Identity Verification controls


UserIDs inherit the Signer Identification Verification setting through their primary group.

Groups designed to control documents/workflows (that users are members of) do not confer the Signer Identity Verification security to those documents or workflows.

Require signers in my account to log in to Acrobat Sign before signing

When this option is enabled for a group, any user with that group defined as their primary group will be required to authenticate to Acrobat Sign when they are sent an agreement from a trusted userID. All userIDs in the same account are automatically trusted.

The user is challenged to authenticate to Acrobat Sign immediately after selecting the Review and sign link in the email.

The challenge opens a login tab for the user with their email address automatically inserted in the Email field. A banner instructs the user to log in to continue.

 Agreement Review and sign email and challenge


If the agreement has additional authentication added by the sender, the recipient will be challenged with that authentication method after verifying their Acrobat Sign login.

Require web form signers in my account to validate their identity by logging in to Acrobat Sign

Signer Identity Validation applies to any web form created in the Acrobat Sign system, regardless of what account created it.

Web forms have a few settings that interact with the signature process, resulting in different experiences:

  • If the web form option Require Signer to verify their email address is disabled, the signer is not challenged to authenticate. The implication of not requiring signature verification is that identity verification isn't warranted.
  • If the signer saves the web form before they finish, the user must authenticate to Acrobat Sign before they can resume signing the web form. This is true even if the web form option Disable Signer reauth on accessing the web form from emailed link is enabled. This is essentially the same as the agreement verification process.
  • If  Require Signer to verify their email address is enabled, and the web form is completed without saving it, the signer is required to authenticate to Acrobat Sign after they trigger the Confirm my email address link in the signature verification email.
Web form email confirmation email and challenge

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