Add and edit reminders from the Manage page

Create or edit a reminder for an existing agreement

The owner of an agreement can create a reminder on their agreements at any time before the agreement enters a terminal state.

To cancel a reminder:

  1. Log in as the user that created the agreement.

  2. Navigate to the Manage page.

  3. Hovering your pointer over an agreement record exposes a clock icon that is a quick button for opening the reminder interface.

    Select the clock icon, or single-click the agreement to open the agreement actions and select Remind.

    Select the reminder icon

  4. The Add a reminder overlay displays.

    Select the reminder frequency, the recipients that should get the reminder, and provide a note for the recipient to be included in the reminder email.

  5. Select Create when the reminder is configured.

    Define the reminder

    The page refreshes to display a blue clock icon in the agreement record, indicating a reminder is scheduled, and a success message displays at the top of the window.

    New reminder success

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