Adobe Stock Creative Cloud for teams-Pro migration instructions

Learn how to use the CSV method to migrate Creative Cloud for teams users to Creative Cloud for teams-Pro Edition.

How to migrate Creative Cloud for teams users to Creative Cloud for teams-Pro Edition

Use the CSV method to migrate teams users from your current Creative Cloud for teams to Creative Cloud for teams-Pro Edition. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the Adobe Admin Console bar, and select Users

    Edit user details

  2. Check the NAME tickbox to select all Creative Cloud for teams users. Select the More actions icon  and then choose Edit user details by CSV from the dropdown.

    Edit user details

  3. Select Download CSV Template>Current user list to download the CSV file with each Creative Cloud for teams user’s entitlement.

    download current user list

  4. Open the CSV file in Excel on your machine. 

    open CSV file in excel

  5. Select the section under Team Products column. It shows the current user entitlement for your entire organization.

    select Teams Product

  6. Add "- Pro Edition" to the end of the product name and save the CSV file. See the list below for all Pro Edition entitlement names.

    Add Pro Edition at the end of products


    For all Creative Cloud users, the product entitlement name must be updated to include "- Pro Edition". For entitlements not mentioned in the table such as Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Stock for teams, don't include "- Pro Edition" at the end of the product name.

  7. To upload the new CSV file, go back to the Adobe Admin Console and choose either to drag-and-drop or Select a File

    CSV file with updated user entitlements

    Drag and drop or select a file to upload

  8. Select the new CSV file from your machine.

    Select the new CSV file

  9. Select Upload on the lower right to finish uploading the CSV file.

    Finish uploading the new CSV file

  10. Return to the Adobe Admin Console and select Users to view the new product entitlement for each user.

    verify user's entitlement


When a product is removed from a user, they receive an email notification informing that they have lost access to their account. When upgrading to Creative Cloud for teams-Pro Edition, users will not lose access to their accounts.

What happens after you upload the CSV file?

You will receive an email notification once you finish uploading your CSV file in the Adobe Admin Console.

Notification on successful migration

When all users are updated correctly with their new entitlements, you will receive the below email notification from Adobe.

Successful CCT-Pro Edition migration email notification

Notification on incomplete migration

If there is an error while updating the user entitlements, you will receive an email notification from Adobe. Go back to the CSV file and ensure that all user names are correct. Once the error is corrected, reupload the CSV file to the Adobe Admin Console. 

CSV upload error email

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