Illustrator extensions missing in Bridge CC 2015


In Bridge CC 2015 version 6.3, Illustrator extensions are missing from the Tools menu (Tools > Illustrator).

Impacted versions

Adobe Bridge CC 2015 version 6.3 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.2 or earlier

Operating system

Windows, Mac OS X


Solution 1

Update Illustrator to the latest version.

See Check for updates for more details.

Solution 2

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy the folder Adobe Illustrator Automation [version] located at:

    Win: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Bridge CC Extensions\
    Mac OS X: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC Extensions/

  2. Paste the copied folder at:

    Win: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Bridge CC 2015 Extensions\
    Mac OS X: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Bridge CC 2015 Extensions/

  3. Relaunch Bridge.

Illustrator extensions will now be available in the Tools menu (Tools > Illustrator) in Bridge CC 2015.

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