Preview glitch or crash after resizing Preview panels

Information about how to resolve preview glitches or crashes that can occur when using Premiere Pro 15.2 or After Effects 18.2 on systems with Nvidia drivers.


If you are using Nvidia drivers and have enabled Image Sharpening or Antialiasing - FXAA in Nvidia Control Panels, you may experience a severe preview glitch or even crash after resizing preview panels.

Video that is being previewed in one window can appear, or partially appear, in the other window.

For example, after previewing a clip in the Source Monitor, if you preview a sequence that contains different clips in the Program Monitor you may see those frames from the sequence also appearing in the Source Monitor.


Image Sharpening and Antialiasing - FXAA are disabled by default and these options are not required for Premiere Pro or After Effects. However, you may have enabled them for other applications (some gaming applications might need them enabled). 

Follow these steps to configure the Nvidia control panels to disable these two options:

  1. Right-click the desktop and open Nvidia Control Panel.

  2. Select Manage 3D settings on the left.

  3. Select the Program Settings tab on the right to configure settings for a specific application.

  4. In the dropdown menu, select the target application, Adobe Premiere or Adobe After Effects.

  5. Find the Image Sharpening and Antialiasing - FXAA options and switch them off.  Then click Apply.

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