Learn the basics of formatting text in Adobe InDesign, including changing font and font size, understanding the difference between character and paragraph formatting, and saving text formatting as a style.

Change font and font size

Explore basic text formatting such as Adobe fonts and font size.

What you learned: Change font and font size

  • Select text with the Type tool in the toolbox or select a text frame with the Selection tool to apply the same formatting to all text within a frame.
  • In the Properties panel to the right of the document, see formatting options such as font, font size, and more, or choose Type > Character to open the Character panel.
  • When selecting a font in the Font Family menu, click Find More to find and sync an Adobe font to your computer. To show only the Adobe fonts, filter the font list by clicking Show Activated Fonts. You can also choose a font style associated with the selected font, such as bold, from the Font Style menu.
  • Change the font size by choosing a size from the menu, typing in a value, or clicking the arrows to the left of the field.

Basic text formatting

Learn about the difference between paragraph and character formatting.

What you learned: Format basic text

In the Properties panel, there are two types of text formatting that you can apply to text: character formatting and paragraph formatting. Character formatting, such as font and font size, applies to selected text or all of the text in a selected text frame. Paragraph formatting, such as alignment, applies formatting to entire paragraphs.

You can view text formatting in separate panels by choosing Type > Character or Type > Paragraph.

  • Select the Type tool in the toolbox and drag across text to select it.
  • In the Character section of the Properties panel, change the leading value to adjust the spacing between lines of text.
  • In the Paragraph section of the Properties panel, change formatting such as the text alignment.

Save text formatting as a style

Discover how to save text formatting as a paragraph style for formatting speed and consistency.

What you learned: Save text formatting as a style

Text formatting can be saved as a text style in a document for formatting speed and consistency. Updating a text style will update all text with that same style applied.

There are two types of text styles: paragraph and character. Paragraph styles save both character and paragraph formatting and apply to entire paragraphs of text. Character styles save only character formatting such as font and font size.

Each new document starts with a basic paragraph style called “Basic Paragraph.”

  • To make a new style, click in the text with the Type tool or select the text, and then click the Create Style button in the Properties panel. Double-click the new style to rename it and press Return (Windows) or Enter (macOS) to make the name change.
  • To apply a paragraph style, insert the cursor in text and select a style name in the Properties panel. 

Local formatting may be removed in the Paragraph Styles panel. To open the Paragraph Styles panel, with text selected choose Manage Styles from the styles menu in the Properties panel. In the Paragraph Styles panel, click the Clear Overrides button to remove the local formatting.

Edit text styles

Learn how to edit a paragraph style.

What you learned: Edit text styles

After applying a paragraph style to text, you can easily update the formatting in the style.

  • Apply a paragraph style to text in the Properties panel.
  • Make formatting changes to the same text in the Properties panel.
  • Click the Redefine Style icon, which appears to the right of the style name in the styles menu, to update the formatting of the saved style to match the selected text. Any text with the style applied will update.

You can also edit a paragraph style in the Paragraph Styles panel.

  1. Choose Manage Styles from the styles menu in the Properties panel to open the Paragraph Styles panel (Type > Paragraph Styles).
  2. In the Paragraph Styles panel, either right-click (Windows) or Control-click (macOS) the style name in the panel and choose Edit [style name] or simply double-click the style name.

    When you change the definition of a style, all of the text in the document that is formatted with that style changes to match the new style definition.

  3. Change the text formatting for the style in the dialog box and click OK.


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Oct 15, 2018

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