Unable to change operator password after upgrade to 8886

After upgrading the build for campaign to build 8886 , operators with admin rights cannot modify their own or other passwords due to restriction in the password field.


After upgrading the build for campaign to build 8886, operators with admin rights cannot modify their own or other passwords due to restriction in the password field.
The password field would appear blank and would not be editable like:


All Campaign V6.1.1 on or after build 8883.


The below change in the xtk:operator schema causes this issue.

On build before 8883:

<element label="Access" name="access">
      <attribute label="Password" length="128" name="password" type="string"/>

After build 8883:

<element label="Access" name="access">
      <attribute accessibleIf="$(loginId) = 0 or $(login) = 'admin'" label="Password"
                 length="128" name="password" type="string" visibleIf="false"/>

Only if you log in as admin, you will have access to the password field.


We need to extend the xtk:operator schema to override the default attributes.

The extended schema definition should look like:

<element desc="Operators of the application" img="xtk:operator.png" label="Operators"
           labelSingular="Operator" name="operator">
    <element label="Access" name="access">
      <attribute accessibleIf="$(loginId) = 0 or hasNamedRight('admin')" label="Password"
                 length="128" name="password" type="string" visibleIf="false"/>

This would make sure that any operator with administrator rights, will be able to edit the password field.


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