Multiple branding

Here’s how to implement multiple branding:

  1. On the Admin app, select Branding on the left pane.
  2. Select Edit in the Multiple Branding section.
  3. Select the toggle button and enable it.

Internal users

  1. Select an active field from the dropdown.
  2. Based on the selection, you can change the name of the organization and upload a new logo for the users.

External users

  1. Select an active field from the dropdown.
  2. Based on the selection, you can change the name of the organization and upload a new logo for the users.
Internal users can have active fields like External users (e.g., Admin must add the multi branding for the internal users and external users separately by selecting active field values separately.)
Check out this blog for more information.

Points to note

  • An Admin can add the multi-level branding for this active field value and the external user can login with different mechanisms (SSO Single (Okta, Mini orange), Social Login) and check if the multi branding is applicable.
  • An External user has an active field and active field value like the internal user: Even though it is shared, it must be separately specified in the multi branding by the admin. Once applied, external user can login with different mechanisms (SSO Single (Okta, Mini orange), Social Login) and check if the multi branding is applicable.
  • An External user moved from one profile to another profile: Moving the external user from one profile to another profile will not affect the active field value for the user unless the active field value is edited/ deleted by admin or the external user while logging in or registering
When multiple branding is set for both internal and external users, with same active field name, with same active field value but different configuration. In this case, recommendation to customers would be to use same configuration setting (logo, theme, org name) to avoid discrepancy.

Customize your account

Adobe Learning Manager allows you to customize your account to provide enhanced user experience.

The list below displays the components that can be customized. To customize the account, contact Learning Manager support.

CustomizeWhat is recommended
Customize training card colors
  • Only up to 12 custom colors.
  • Colors are applied to all Learning Objects. The colors will be sequentially applied to all the learning objects (trainings) and the hex color code is the required format for all colors, for example,#ffffff.
  • If only one color is provided, that color is applied to all Learning Objects.
Cursor pointer image

The custom image appears when a user hovers upon any Learning Object.

  • Custom image applied will be shown once a user mouse overs on the Learning Manager web page.
  • Recommended size - 16x16 or 24x24 px
  • Recommended image format - PNG, JPG
Progress icon image

Displayed while navigating between pages. Present in places where you see the '4-square' progress gif.

  • Recommended size - less than or equal to 32x32 px
  • Recommended image format - GIF, PNG, JPG

For applying the fonts, a CDN is required. Also, you must share the font family to be applied.

Note: The font family must be supported on all browsers.

Background image

A background image is only visible in a learner role.

You must have the image that you need to apply to the learner's background.

  • Recommended Image format: PNG, JPG, JPEG
  • Recommended Size: 1400x908 px

Configure recommendation settings

On Branding > General, you can configure recommendation scopes for internal and external learners, and enable learners choose skills on the learner homepage.

On the General page, you have the following options:

Learner HomepageChoose either Classic or Immersive. If you choose Immersive, then other options appear.
Training typeChoose either Custom or Industry Aligned. If there are less than 1000 learners, the entire account is considered as a single scope. The recommendation is based on all learners.
Recommendation Scope SettingChoose one or more active fields. For Custom, you can choose at most one active field. For Industry Aligned, you can choose at most five active fields.
Enable learner to explore Areas of InterestOnly for Classic experience. Choose Yes or No.
Prompt users to select Areas of Interest (Skills)Only for immersive experience. Choose Yes or No.
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Learning Manager