Customer Journey Analytics for Adobe Analytics | Product Description

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Effective Date: 14 October, 2024

Products and Services

License Metric

Customer Journey Analytics for Adobe Analytics

Per Million Rows of Data


Additional Ad Hoc Query Users

Per Pack

Additional Concurrent Report Requests

Per Pack

Additional Data Lake Storage

Per Terabyte

Additional Ingestion Capacity

Per Million Rows of Data

Additional Sandboxes

Per Pack

Additional Total Monthly Report Requests

Per Thousand Report Requests

Advanced Enterprise Source Connectors

Per Pack

Data Distiller

Per Compute Hours

Extended Data Capacity

Per Million Rows of Data

Healthcare Shield

Per Each

Privacy and Security Shield

Per Each

What is Customer Journey Analytics?

Customer Journey Analytics enables Customer to access an Analysis Workspace experience on Adobe Experience Platform infrastructure (e.g., data ingestion tools, data governance tools, and the Data Lake). This experience is different and distinct from the experience available in Adobe Analytics. Customer Journey Analytics includes Bundled Services. Customer Journey Analytics for Adobe Analytics entitlements may differ from what is offered in Customer Journey Analytics Select, Customer Journey Analytics Prime, and Customer Journey Analytics Ultimate packages, as outlined here.

Customer’s use of Customer Journey Analytics is subject to the following:


The following Entitlements apply, without Add-ons unless authorized in the applicable Sales Order:

  • AI Assistant (feature). AI Assistant is an Adobe Experience Platform Generative AI Feature integrated into Customer Journey Analytics designed to enhance productivity. AI Assistant helps users understand concepts, troubleshoot problems, and generate insights using a natural language interface. Customer must have the required licensing terms in place with Adobe to access AI Assistant. AI Assistant uses Microsoft Azure OpenAI (“AOAI”). Use of AOAI through Adobe is separate and distinct from any direct accounts or usage of AOAI that Customer may have negotiated directly. Customer may consume up to the number of Generative Actions specified below, provided that Customer executed the Experience Cloud General Artificial Intelligence Features rider with Adobe.
  • Generative Actions usage consumption table:
    Adobe Experience Cloud Product
    AI Assistant Capability
    Generative Action(s) Used*
    Customer Journey Analytics
    Product Knowledge: Questions to learn about product functionality and troubleshoot unfamiliar concepts faster based on Adobe documentation
    0 Generative Actions for a limited time
    • No Generative Action(s) are used if the Input and/or Output are classified as out of scope.
    • Generative Actions are cumulative (meaning the Generative Actions associated with the AI Assistant Capabilities are additive and can be consumed by the Customer based on Customer’s use of the applicable AI Assistant Capabilities) across all applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services licensed by Customer during the applicable License Term.
  • Data Backfill. Customer may import up to 13 months of backfill data via the Adobe Analytics Source Connector into Customer Journey Analytics. Customer may increase backfill data limit by licensing the Extended Data Capacity Add-on.
  • Initial Implementation Period. For a period up to 60 days prior to the License Term Start Date of the Initial License Term, but in no event earlier than the Effective Date, Customer is granted a limited license to access Customer Journey Analytics for the sole purpose of implementation and testing at no additional cost to Customer, subject to all other terms and conditions of the Agreement.
  • Initial License Term. After the first six-month period of the Initial License Term, fees associated with Rows of Data in excess of Customer’s Rows of Data commitment may result in overusage fees unless Customer licenses additional capacity.
  • Legacy Offers. All Customer Journey Analytics for Adobe Analytics Add-on legacy offers will be provisioned to the Customer at the equivalent entitlement level in the current Customer Journey Analytics for Adobe Analytics Add-on offering.
  • License Metric. Customer may use up to the quantity of License Metric(s) as authorized in the applicable Sales Order.
  • Adobe Analytics License Dependency. Customer’s entitlement to Customer Journey Analytics is dependent upon Customer’s current and continued commitment to a core Adobe Analytics offering (e.g., Adobe Analytics Select, Prime, or Ultimate). Should Customer’s core Adobe Analytics entitlement expire or terminate prior to Customer’s Customer Journey Analytics license, Customer may be required to pay additional license fees.

Performance Guardrails:

The following Performance Guardrails apply to Customer Journey Analytics for Adobe Analytics, without Add-ons unless authorized in the applicable Sales Order:

  • Concurrent Report Requests. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 6 Concurrent Report Requests per connection unless licensed separately with Additional Concurrent Report Requests.

Scoping Parameters:

The following Scoping Parameters apply to Customer Journey Analytics for Adobe Analytics, without Add-ons unless authorized in the applicable Sales Order:

  • Annual Ingestion Limit. The total number of Rows of Data ingested from the Adobe Experience Platform Data Lake into Customer Journey Analytics per year may not exceed 3 times Customer’s Data Capacity authorized in the Sales Order. 
  • Average Row of Data Size. Customer may use up to an average row size of two kilobytes of uncompressed data per Row of Data in Customer Journey Analytics.
  • Data Capacity.
    • Customer is entitled to Rows of Data as authorized in the applicable Sales Order (“Customer’s Data Capacity Allowance”). Customer’s Data Capacity Allowance applies to Core Data. Customer may initially backfill Core Data and maintain this balance on a rolling basis, purging older data as newer data is ingested, up to the Customer’s Data Capacity Allowance.
  • Data Lake Storage.
    • The total quantity of data ingested into Adobe Experience Platform Data Lake per year, in conjunction with Customer’s Customer Journey Analytics use case, may not exceed 3 times Total Authorized Data Lake Storage.
    • The total quantity of data stored in Adobe Experience Platform Data Lake, in conjunction with Customer’s Customer Journey Analytics use case, may not exceed Total Authorized Data Lake Storage.
  • Extended Data Capacity.
    • Customer is entitled to additional Rows of Data as authorized in the applicable Sales Order (“Customer’s Extended Data Capacity Allowance”). Customer’s Extended Data Capacity Allowance only applies to Customer Data with a timestamp older than 13 months (“Historical Data”). Customer may initially backfill Historical Data, and maintain this balance on a rolling basis, purging older data as newer data is ingested, up to the Extended Data Capacity Allowance. 
    • Core Data is not eligible for the Extended Data Capacity Allowance, and will be subject to the standard Customer Journey Analytics overusage fees as detailed in the applicable Sales Order.
    • For clarity, licensing Extended Data Capacity is not additive to the data backfill limit for Field-based Stitching detailed below.
  • Query Service Users. Customer Journey Analytics supports 5 concurrent Query Service Users, subject to the Static Limits.
  • Sources. Customer may configure non-Adobe sources into Customer Journey Analytics (through UI and API), however Customer may not import data from Advanced Enterprise Source Connectors unless licensed separately.
  • Total Monthly Report Requests. Customers may make up to 750,000 total Report Requests per month per IMS Organization. Should Customer exceed their Total Monthly Report Requests limit, Customer may be obligated to license additional quantity of Total Monthly Report Requests. Additional Total Monthly Report Requests are sold in quantities of 1,000 Additional Total Monthly Report Requests. Customer’s Additional Monthly Report Requests quantity must correspond with Customer’s core Customer Journey Analytics committed quantity.

Static Limits:

The following Static Limits apply to Customer Journey Analytics for Adobe Analytics, without Add-ons unless authorized in the applicable Sales Order:

Ad Hoc SQL Queries:

  • Ad Hoc SQL Queries will time out after 10 minutes.

Additional Guardrails:

  • Additional Static Limits are detailed here.

Analysis Workspace Projects:

  • Exportable Rows per Table. Customer Journey Analytics supports the export of up to 50,000 rows for a single dimension in the user interface.
  • Panels per Project. Customer Journey Analytics projects support up to 15 panels per project.
  • Visible Rows per Table. Customer Journey Analytics supports the display of 400 rows per table in the user interface.
  • Visualizations per Panel. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 25 visualizations per panel.


  • Audience Filters. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to a maximum of 20 filters per Audience.
  • Number of Audience Identities. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 20 million identities per Audience.
  • Audience Refresh Frequency. The maximum frequency an Audience may be refreshed is every 4 hours.
  • Audience Refresh Lookback Window. Customer Journey Analytics supports a maximum Audience refresh lookback window of 90 days.
  • Refreshing Audience Expiration Date. Audiences will cease refreshing 13 months from the date of creation. Customers have the ability to extend this for an additional 13 months.
  • Number of Refreshing Audiences. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 75 refreshing Audiences.

Automated Dataset Expiration:

  • Customer may schedule up to 20 automated dataset expiration work orders per month.

Bundled Services:

  • Data Lake. Customer may access Customer Data in the Data Lake up to the Total Authorized Data Lake Storage.
  • Query Service. Customer’s right to use Query Service is limited to running Ad Hoc Queries and supports up to 5 concurrent Query Service Users and up to 1 concurrently running Ad Hoc Query for the purpose of data ingestion validation.

Customer Journey Analytics Data Transfer Limits:

  • Rows per Unique Person ID. Customer Journey Analytics will only ingest up to 1,000,000 event rows per each unique person ID within a connection per month.
  • Unique Key Strings per Lookup Dataset. Customer Journey Analytics will only ingest up to 10,000,000 unique keys per lookup dataset.

Data Flows:

  • Customer may designate any hub (or principal) Adobe Experience Platform data center (currently located in Australia, Canada, India, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States) as its data residency location. Data will ultimately be stored in the designated data center unless Customer otherwise instructs.

Data Landing Zone:

  • Customer will receive access to 1 Data Landing Zone per Sandbox. The maximum data Customer may store across all Data Landing Zones is equal to the total data storage provided in connection with all Adobe Experience Platform Products and Services licensed to Customer. Customer may use the Data Landing Zone solely to move Customer Data into and out of Adobe Experience Platform. Data will automatically be deleted from the Data landing Zone after 7 days.

Data Views:

  • Customer is entitled to 600 data views per connection.

Derived Fields:

  • Customer may add up to 5 different derived fields to a single tab in Analysis Workspace.
  • Customer may create up to 100 derived fields per Connection.

Dimensions and Metrics:

  • Customer may add up to 5,000 dimensions and 5,000 metrics to a single data view.

Field-based Stitching:

  • Customer may create up to 5 stitched datasets.
  • Customer may have a lookback window in days / replay window frequency of either 1/1 or 7/7.
  • Upon initial enablement of field-based Stitching, Customer may backfill up to 13 months of data upon request.
  • Customer may not export a stitched dataset from Adobe Experience Platform Data Lake.

Filters and Calculated Metrics:

  • Containers per Filter. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 50 containers per filter.
  • Metrics per Calculated Metric. Customer Journey Analytics Calculated Metrics support up to 25 metrics per calculated metric.
  • Metrics and Dimensions per Filter. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 25 unique metrics and dimensions per filter.
  • Nested Containers per Filter. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 10 nested containers per filter.
  • Rules per Filter. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 100 filter rules per filter.
  • String Comparisons per Dimension per Filter. Customer Journey Analytics supports up to 100 string comparisons per dimension per filter.

Full Table Export: Reports exported through full table export are limited to 30 million Rows of Data per Report.

Guided Analysis:

  • Customer is entitled to the following Guided Analyses:
    • Trends
    • Frequency
    • Funnel
    • Conversion trends
    • Retention
    • Active growth
    • Net growth

Priority Ingestion: Customer may ingest 24-hour-old data within 90-minute service level target processing.

Sandboxes: Customer Journey Analytics includes up to 5 Sandboxes unless licensed separately by Customer.

Unlicensed Features: Certain aspects of Customer Journey Analytics and its Add-ons may be provided through Adobe Experience Platform, but unless licensed separately, Customer is not licensed to, and must not, access or use Batch Query Service components, Data Science Workspace, Profile Service, Identity Service or Segmentation Service components in Adobe Experience Platform, except for use in conjunction with Bundled Services.


Additional Ad Hoc Query Users means an Add-on to increase Customer’s Query Service Users entitlement by 5 additional concurrent Query Service Users and 1 additional concurrently running Ad-Hoc Query per pack. Additional Ad Hoc Query User packs may be licensed.

Add-on(s) means additional Products and Services that may be licensed to Customer and identified on the Sales Order.

Ad-Hoc Query means an ad-hoc query generated from the Query Service Editor or PSQL Client, as applicable.

Ad Hoc Query Service means a service in the Adobe Experience Platform that facilitates Customer's use of standard SQL to query and transform data in Adobe Experience Platform. Query Service is a Shared Feature.

Ad Hoc Query Service User means any User making an SQL query to Query Service through the Query Service user interface, API, or external system for data analysis or data exploration.

Adobe Experience Platform means an open and extensible collection of services that allows Customer to create and manage actionable profiles using various sources across its enterprise and to analyze data to derive insights and drive personalized experiences.

Advanced Enterprise Source Connectors means Amazon Redshift, Azure EventHub, AWS Kinesis, Azure Synapse Analytics, Google BigQuery, Google PubSub, and Snowflake.

AI Assistant means an Adobe Experience Platform Generative AI Feature branded as “AI Assistant in Customer Journey Analytics.”

Annual Ingestion Limit means 3 times Customer’s Data Capacity.

Audience means a set or list of identities that have both an identity namespace and a specific ID related to that identity namespace. Audiences are transportable from the Adobe Experience Platform and applications that sit on top of it (such as Customer Journey Analytics). Audiences can contain mixed identity-namespace combinations.

Bundled Services means access to the following limited Adobe Experience Platform services: Data Lake and Ad Hoc Query Service.

Concurrent Report Requests means the simultaneous Report Requests that Users make of the Customer Journey Analytics reporting engine.

Core Data means Customer Data in the form of Profile Data, Lookup Data, Event Data, and Summary Data with a timestamp of less than 13 months.

Data Capacity means Customer’s entitlement to rows of Core Data.

Data Lake means the analytical data store within Adobe Experience Platform.

Data Landing Zone means a cloud-based data storage facility for temporary file storage provisioned with Adobe Experience Platform that Customer may use, as an option, to move data into and out of Adobe Experience Platform. Data Landing Zones are a Shared Feature.

Entitlements means usage limits that are strictly monitored and enforced by Adobe. Should Customer exceed an Entitlement, Customer may be obligated to pay overusage fees or license additional capacity.

Event Data means data that represents events in time.

Extended Data Capacity means Customer’s entitlement to rows of Historical Data.

Field-based Stitching means a process by which unknown events are paired with known events, by leveraging a derived identity table from a single dataset.

Filter means a set of rules that, when evaluated over a set of data for a time period, produces a subset of data. A filter can be used in the process of creating an Audience when coupled with other supporting services. Filters are defined and maintained in Customer Journey Analytics.

Generation means each time Customer interacts, such as by providing Input, with a Generative AI Feature and receives a response. Generations may be done actively (e.g., by entering a query, clicking “generate” or “re-generate,” or other similar action), or may be done automatically by a process set up by a User.

Generative AI Feature is defined within the Specific Licensing Terms for Adobe Experience Cloud Generative Artificial Intelligence Features, available at

Generative Action means the unit(s) quantifying Customer’s use of a Generative AI Feature through Generation.

Guided Analysis is designed to provide guided workflows that enable users to self-serve high quality data and insights about the customer journey.

Healthcare Shield is an Adobe Experience Platform Add-on designed to provide access to the following advanced privacy, governance, and security capabilities: customer managed keys, extended thresholds for automated dataset expiration (up to 50 work orders per month). Healthcare Shield must be licensed with any and all of the following platform-based applications that Customer licenses: (i) Real-Time Customer Data Platform Prime or Ultimate - B2C Edition, or B2P Edition (for Consumer Audience only), (ii) Adobe Journey Optimizer, and (iii) Customer Journey Analytics. The Healthcare Shield Add-on must be added to Customer’s license(s) to (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) or any combination licensed by Customer. Healthcare Shield may be included in one Sales Order or separate Sales Order.

Historical Data means Customer Data in the form of Event Data with a timestamp older than 13 months.

IMS Organization means a framework of policies and technologies for ensuring that the right individuals have access to the right resources at the right times for the right reasons. IMS is used to manage user identities, authentication, authorization, and access control within an organization.

Initial License Term means the first time Customer licenses Customer Journey Analytics and specifically excludes any renewals, amendments, and upsells.

Input is defined within the Specific Licensing Terms for Adobe Experience Cloud Generative Artificial Intelligence Features, available at

Instance means a single Adobe Experience Platform instance associated with one Adobe Experience Cloud Organization (IMSOrg) provisioned to Customer. An Instance is a Shared Feature.

Intelligent Alerts is a feature within Customer Journey Analytics that provides users with notifications when anomalies occur within Customer’s data.

License Metric means the Products and Services Customer licenses in the applicable Sales Order.

Lookup Data means data that is used to look up values or keys found in Event, Profile, or Lookup Data.

Non-production Sandbox means a Sandbox that can be used exclusively for non-production development and testing. Non-production Sandboxes support a volume of data up to Total Data Lake Non-production Storage (measured cumulatively across all of Customer’s authorized Non-production Sandboxes).

Output is defined within the Specific Licensing Terms for Adobe Experience Cloud Generative Artificial Intelligence Features, available at

Overusage Cycle means the period in which the License Metric as used by Customer is totaled to determine whether the committed Quantity of the License Metric is fully consumed and whether the Overusage Rate will apply.

Overusage Rate means the Overusage Rate as detailed in the Adobe Products and Services Pricing Detail table of the applicable Sales Order. Should Customer’s use of the Products and Services exceed its committed Quantity, Customer will incur overusage fees. Overusage fees are calculated by measuring Customer’s average of Rows of Data during the Overusage Cycle at the end of the applicable Overusage Cycle (e.g., if the Overusage Cycle is quarterly, the applicable time period will be the prior consecutive three-month period, minus Customer’s annual committed Quantity, multiplied by the Overusage Rate, and then divide by four). These fees are billed at the Overusage Rate per Unit of Measure and quarterly in arrears as incurred, unless detailed otherwise in the applicable Sales Order.

Performance Guardrail means usage limits that relate to the scoping of Customer’s proposed use cases. Should Customer exceed a Performance Guardrail, Customer may experience performance degradation; Adobe will not be responsible for such performance degradation. Customers who consistently exceed a Performance Guardrail may elect to license additional capacity to avoid performance degradation.

Privacy and Security Shield is an Adobe Experience Platform Add-on enabling Customer to access the following advanced privacy, governance, and security capabilities: customer managed keys, extended thresholds for automated dataset expiration (up to 50 work orders per month). Privacy and Security Shield must be licensed with any and all of the following platform-based applications that Customer licenses: (i) Real-Time Customer Data Platform Prime or Ultimate - B2C Edition, or B2P Edition (for Consumer Audience only), (ii) Adobe Journey Optimizer, and (iii) Customer Journey Analytics. Privacy and Security Add-on must be added to Customer’s license(s) to (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) or any combination licensed by Customer. Privacy and Security Shield may be included in one Sales Order or separate Sales Order.

Product Knowledge means a documentation-based knowledge and troubleshooting use case for AI Assistant.

Profile Data means data that is applied to persons, users, or customers within Event Data.

Report Request means any data request made from applications including but not limited to: Analysis Workspace, Workspace Scheduled Projects, Report Builder, 2.0 API, Segment Sharing, Adobe Analytics Dashboards mobile app, Labs, Component Builder, Full Table Export, and any new capabilities added that query the Customer Journey Analytics reporting engine.

Rows of Data means the total daily average rows of data available for analysis within Customer Journey Analytics. Rows of Data are comprised of both Core Data and Historical Data.

Sandbox means a logical separation within any Adobe On-demand Service that accesses Adobe Experience Platform isolating data and operations. Sandboxes can be either environments used for production purposes or Non-production Sandboxes. Sandboxes used for production purposes share the authorized entitlements of the base Adobe Experience Platform production system (measured cumulatively across all of Customer’s Sandboxes used for production purposes). Non-production Sandboxes share the authorized entitlements specified with non-production use cases (measured cumulatively across all of Customer’s authorized Non-Production Sandboxes). Sandboxes are a Shared Feature.

Scoping Parameters means usage limits that relate to the scoping of Customer’s proposed use case. Should Customer exceed a Scoping Parameter, Adobe will work with Customer to remedy the issue leading to overusage. Should Customer persistently exceed a Scoping Parameter, Customer may be required to license additional capacity.

Shared Feature means a feature or functionality and its associated limitations that are shared (i.e., not additive) across all applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services licensed by Customer. If any of Customer’s other applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Product and Services provide a higher limitation (either because the base-level limitation is higher or because Customer has licensed an available Add-on), the highest limit will apply to all of Customer’s applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services.

Static Limit means a usage limit that relates to the functional boundaries of Customer Journey Analytics and a usage limit that relates to the technical boundaries of Customer Journey Analytics. Customer may not modify Static Limits.

Total Authorized Data Lake Storage means Total Data Lake Production Storage plus Total Data Lake Non-production Storage.

Total Data Lake Production Storage means 5 kilobytes multiplied by the total number of licensed Rows of Data.

Total Data Lake Non-production Storage means 10% of Total Data Lake Production Storage.


As Customer Journey Analytics continues to develop, Adobe reserves the right to update this Product Description at any time.

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