Offer Decisioning App Service| Product Description

Adobe Experience Platform

Effective as of 31 October 2023

Products and Services

License Metric

Offer Decisioning App Service

Per 1,000 Profiles

What is Offer Decisioning App Service?

Offer Decisioning App Service enables Customer to define, manage and deliver Personalized Offers through use of APIs.

Customer’s use of Offer Decisioning is subject to the following:


  • Addressable Audience. Customer may store up to the number of Profiles authorized in the Sales Order.

Performance Guardrails.

The following Performance Guardrails apply to Customer’s Offer Decisioning App Service production purposes:

  • Decisioning Throughput. Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to the volume of Decisions per second associated with Customer’s licensed Profile volume:

Licensed Profile Volume

Decisions Per Second

≥ 100K but ≤ 1M


> 1M but ≤ 10M


> 10M but ≤ 50M


> 50M but ≤ 150M


> 150M



Static Limits.  

  • Active Personalized Offers + Fallback Offers. Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 10,000 combined active Personalized Offers and active Fallback Offers.
  • Activities.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 10,000 Activities.
  • Collections.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 10,000 Collections.
  • Collections per Activity.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 30 Collections per Activity.
  • Content Service Storage.  Customer must independently license a content repository to store Customer Content intended to be used with Offer Decisioning App Service.
  • Decision Rules + Ranking Functions.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 10,000 combined Decision Rules and Ranking Functions.
  • Load Time.  Offers may take as much as 500 milliseconds to load.
  • Live Activities.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 1,000 Live Activities.
  • Personalized Offers + Fallback Offers.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 100,000 combined Personalized Offers and Fallback Offers.
  • Placements.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 1,000 Placements.
  • Placements per Activity.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 30 Placements per Activity.
  • Prerequisites  Customer must license Adobe Experience Platform Activation or Real-time Customer Data Platform as a prerequisite to licensing Offer Decisioning App Service.
  • Profiles. Customer’s licensed quantity of Profiles licensed with Offer Decisioning must mirror Customer’s licensed quantity of Profiles with Real-time Customer Data Platform Profiles or Adobe Experience Platform Activation (as applicable).
  • Publishing.  Customer must independently license any Content Delivery Network services required to support Customer’s use of Offer Decisioning App Service.
  • Ranking Functions per Activity.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 30 Ranking Functions per Activity.
  • Tags per Offer or Collection.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 20 Tags in any single Personalized Offer or single Collection.
  • Total Tags.  Offer Decisioning App Service supports up to 1,000 Tags.


Activity means a marketing campaign that encompasses the Collection, Placement and other constraints used in a Decision to determine the best Personalized Offer for a given Profile.

Adobe Experience Platform means an open and extensible collection of services that allows Customer to create and manage actionable Profiles using various sources across its enterprise and to analyze data to derive insights and drive personalized experiences.

Collection means a subset of Personalized Offers based on predefined conditions defined by Customer, such as category of the Personalized Offer.

Decision means a set of criteria that determines the selection of the best Personalized Offer(s) for a given Profile.

Decision Event means a structured event that can be registered to record details on the Offer that was presented to a given Profile.

Decision Rule means constraints added to a Personalized Offer and applied to a Profile to determine eligibility.

Decisioning API Request means an API request to Offer Decisioning App Service requesting the optimal Personalized Offer(s) for a given Profile for a given Activity.

Directly Identifiable Information means information that can be used to directly identify an individual person, including Stable Identifiers.

Directly Identifiable Profile means a merged Profile that includes Directly Identifiable Information.

Entitlements means usage limits that are strictly monitored and enforced by Adobe.  Should Customer exceed an Entitlement, Customer may be obligated to pay overusage fees or license additional capacity.

Fallback Offer means the default offer presented to a Profile that doesn’t trigger the selection of a Personalized Offer.

Identity Graph means observed relationships between 1 or more identities, which are determined to refer to the same individual.

Offer Library means a user interface and the corresponding APIs used to manage Personalized Offers and Fallback Offers, Decision Rules and Activities.

Performance Guardrail means usage limits that relate to the scoping of Customer’s proposed use cases.  Should Customer exceed a Performance Guardrail, Customer may experience performance degradation; Adobe will not be responsible for such performance degradation.  Customers who consistently exceed a Performance Guardrail may elect to license additional capacity to avoid performance degradation.

Personalized Offer means a customizable marketing message based on eligibility rules and constraints.

Placement means the location and or context in which a Personalized Offer appears for consumers (e.g., homepage_banner, email_main_image, etc.).

Profile means a record of information representing an individual (including Directly Identifiable Profiles and Pseudonymous Profiles) as represented in the Profile Service. Data included in a Profile may include data related to the individual’s attributes, behavior, and segment membership. Profile volumes are determined based on the default deterministic Identity Graph included with Adobe Experience Platform and are a Shared Feature.

Pseudonymous Profile means a merged Profile that includes no Directly Identifiable Information.

Ranking Function means a rule that determines the order in which Personalized Offers will be returned for a given Activity.

Shared Feature means a feature or functionality and its associated limitations that are shared (i.e., not additive) across all applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services licensed by Customer. If any of Customer’s other applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Product and Services provide a higher limitation (either because the base-level limitation is higher or because Customer has licensed an available add-on), the highest limit will apply to all of Customer’s applicable Adobe Experience Platform-based Products and Services.

Stable Identifier means any identifier other than a cookie ID or device ID.

Static Limit means a usage limit that relates to the technical boundaries of Offer Decisioning App Service.  Customer may not modify Static Limits. 

Tag means an identifier used to group Personalized Offers together for the purpose of creating and managing Collections.

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