Troubleshoot issues with Develop module

When you launch Lightroom Classic and go to the Develop module, you get one of the following issue:

Develop module is disabled

Develop module is disabled
Develop module is disabled. Please purchase a subscription or license to reactivate the Develop module.


Restart your computer

Restart your computer and launch Lightroom Classic.

Make sure your subscription is active

Verify whether your subscription is active or not. Develop module is disabled if your Lightroom Classic trial has expired or your subscription is not active. 

  1. Access your Adobe ID account online, and sign in with your Adobe ID with which you have purchased Lightroom Classic subscription (your email address) and password.

  2. Under My plans, click Manage plan.

  3. In the Payment information section, check to make sure that your Lightroom Classic subscription is active. If it is expired, that's likely why you are seeing the Develop module is disabled message.

Sign out and then sign in again

Sign out from Lightroom Classic and then sign in again using your Adobe ID (usually your email).

  1. Launch Lightroom Classic.

  2. Choose Help > Sign Out (your Adobe ID).

  3. In the confirmation dialog box, click Sign Out.

  4. Launch Lightroom Classic.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If asked to sign in: Enter your Adobe ID with which you have purchased Lightroom Classic subscription
      (usually your email), and click Sign in.
    • If not asked to sign in: Choose Help > Sign In, then click Sign in now. Enter your Adobe ID with which you have purchased Lightroom Classic (usually your email) and password, then click Sign in.

Install the latest update

Make sure that you have the most current version of Lightroom Classic installed on your system. 

  1. Launch Lightroom Classic.

  2. From the menu, choose Help > Updates.

For more information, see Keep Lightroom up to date.

Reset hosts file

Sometimes, your computer cannot access our activation servers due to corrupt hosts file and results in the error. Use the Limited Access Repair tool to edit the Adobe-related entries in your hosts file. For more information, see How to download and use the Limited Access Repair tool.

Blue/Black box with a cross in the Develop module

Blue or black box
Blue/Black box with a cross (X) in the Develop module


Disable GPU

You can quickly determine if the issue is related to your graphics processor or driver by following these steps:

  1. Launch Lightroom Classic.

  2. Navigate to one of the following:

    • (macOS) Lightroom Classic > Preferences > Performance
    • (Windows) Edit > Preferences > Performance
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Lightroom Classic (version 8.4 and later)
      From the Use Graphics Processor drop-down menu, select Off.
    • Lightroom Classic (version 8.3 and earlier)
      Deselect Use Graphics Processor.
  4. Quit and relaunch Lightroom Classic.

If the problem goes away, your graphics processor or driver is likely the issue. See Troubleshoot graphics processor (GPU) and graphics driver issues | Lightroom Classic for further troubleshooting steps.

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