Last updated on
Apr 27, 2021
Posted on Sep 4, 2014
This QF may not be the latest Workbench QF for Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform (10.0). For a complete and latest list of ADEP (10.0) QFs, see ADEP Quick Fixes.
Contact Support for more information or to obtain the QF.
Issues fixed in the QF
- Form submission in Workspace fails when using Flash Player (Ref #3811298)
Prerequisites to installing the QF
- ADEP Workbench 10.0
Important: ADEP Workbench QFs are cumulative, which means they include issues fixed in previous QFs. Therefore, before installing this QF, it is recommended to go through all the previous QFs for ADEP Workbench QFs. It will help you determine if there are any additional steps to be performed for an issue fixed in a previous QF. Additional steps and prerequisites are documented in the Prerequisites and comments section.
Installing and configuring the QF
- In the directory named according to the operating system that you are using, launch the installer.
- Select the language to use in the install wizard and click OK.
- On the Introduction panel, click Next.
- On the Choose Install Folder screen, verify that the default location displayed is correct for your existing installation, or click Browse to select the alternate folder where Workbench is currently installed, and click Next.
- Read the Quick Fix Patch Summary information and click Next.
- Read the Pre-Installation Summary information and click Install.
- When the installation is complete, click Next to apply the quick fix updates to your installed files.
- When the quick fix installation is complete, click Finish to exit the wizard.
Impacted ADEP Document Services modules
- Workbench