LiveCycle ES2 SP2 | Designer | Quick Fix 9002.007

Posted on April 04, 2014


This QF may not be the latest LiveCycle Designer QF for LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( For a complete and latest list of LiveCycle ES2 SP2 ( QFs, see LiveCycle ES2 SP2 Quick Fixes.

Contact Support for more information or to obtain the QF.

Issues fixed in the QF

  • Adds support for tab stops in LiveCycle Designer. The patch adds: 
    • new user interface controls to left align, right align, center align, decimal align, and reset tab stops for rich text in a text field. 
    • new user interface controls to center align and decimal align tab stops for rich text in a static text object. 

(Ref #3664422)

Prerequisites to installing the QF

  • Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 SP2 (

Important: LiveCycle QFs are cumulative, which means they include issues fixed in previous QFs. Therefore, before installing this QF, it is recommended to go through all the previous QFs for LiveCycle ES2 SP2 LiveCycle Designer QFs. It will help you determine if there are any additional steps to be performed for an issue fixed in a previous QF. Additional steps and prerequisites are documented in the Prerequisites and comments section.

Installing and configuring the QF

  1. To install the update, run the Designer9.5_<language>_Cumulative_QF7.exe file.
  2. On the Welcome screen, click update. The installation starts.
  3. After the installation completes, click finish.


For any special considerations and steps required to add tab stops,  see the steps to add tab stop section.

Steps to add tab stops

  • To add tab stops in a Text Field object,
    1. Select the text field. In the object palette, navigate to object > Value > Default. Click Edit (represented as ...). The text value field dialog opens.
    2. In the dialog box, add rich text. Press ctrl+tab to add tabs between the text. Click OK.
      Note: By default, all tabs are left aligned. To change the alignment, double-click the tab and select an alignment to apply.
  • To add tab stops in a Text object, place your cursor before text and press Tab

Limitations and Known Issues

  • Copying text from other windows and applications to the dialog is not supported.
  • The dialog does not support changing font typeface and font size. You can change font typeface and font size from the design view.
  • The only supported rich text formatting options are tab stops and alignment. Any other rich text formatting options such as bold, italic, underline, hyphenation are not supported. 
  • On editing the default value of a text field through the Object Palette without opening the dialog, tab stop related formatting is lost.
    Workaround: For a rich text field, do not edit the field data through Object > Value > Default (field). Instead launch the Edit dialog to Enter/Edit data. 
  • Decimal separator to be used in tab stop formatting for decimal alignment is determined by the locale of the operating system.
  • All the fonts being used must be installed on the user’s system. LiveCycle Designer provides additional fonts. You can get additional fonts from the <Designer Installation directory>/Fonts  folder.

Impacted LiveCycle modules

  • LiveCycle Designer