Managing comments | view, reply, print

View comments

The Comments list appears in the right pane of the document window. The Comments list displays all comments in a PDF, and it provides a toolbar with common options, such as sorting, filtering, and other options to work with comments.

Comments list in Acrobat
Comments list

Reply to comments


In Acrobat Reader, commenting features are available only in PDFs that have commenting enabled. PDFs in a review workflow typically include commenting rights.

Replies to comments are especially useful in shared reviews, when participants can read each other’s comments. They can also be used by review initiators to let reviewers know how their suggestions are being implemented. When one or more reviewers reply to a comment, the set of replies is called a thread. In the Comments list, all replies are displayed. Replies are indented below the original comment.

Change author name for comments

You can change your name displayed in the comments of a PDF file. Do the following:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences (Windows), or Acrobat > Preferences (Mac). In the Commenting category, uncheck the option Always Use Log-in Name For Author Name, and then click OK.

  2. Select a comment in the Comments list. From the Options menu (), select Properties.

    Comment properties

  3. In the comment properties dialog, go to the General tab, and specify your name in the Author field.

    Change author name

  4. Select Make Properties Default option, and then click OK.

Set a status

For PDFs shared using Adobe Document Cloud

Status is useful for keeping track of comments that you’ve read, resolved or that require further action. By setting the review status, you can let the review participants know how you are going to handle the comment.

Select the comment in the Comments list and right-click. Alternatively, you can click the Options menu () for the selected comment and perform the following actions:

  • To mark the comment as resolved, choose Resolve.
  • To mark the comment as unread, choose Mark As Unread.

For PDFs shared using a network folder

Set a status or check mark

 In Windows, you can use a status or a check mark to indicate which comments you want to export to a Word document. By setting the review status, you can show or hide a group of comments and let review participants know how you are going to handle the comment. Once the review status is set, you cannot remove the review status display from the comment in the Comments list, even if you change the review status to None. Check marks are for your personal use and do not appear when others view the PDF unless you change the status of comments.

  1. Select the comment in the Comments list and right-click to show the Options menu. Then choose an option from the Set Status menu.

    The review status appears in the comment along with the name of who set the review status. If another reviewer sets the review status for that comment, both reviewers’ names and review statuses appear in the Comments list.

  2. To view a comment’s history of changes, right-click the note icon, markup, or title bar of a pop-up note, and then choose Properties. Click the Review History tab.

Flag comments with a check mark

  1. Select a comment in the Comments list. From the Options menu (   ), select Add Checkmark. You can also right-click the comment and select Add Checkmark. A check mark icon () appears on the comment.


By default, the checkbox is hidden. If you use checkboxes on multiple documents, Acrobat prompts you to enable the checkboxes for all documents.

To show checkbox for all comments, do the following:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences (in Windows), or Acrobat > Preferences (in macOS). The preferences dialog box is displayed.

  2. In the Commenting category, select Show Checkbox under Making Comments.

    Show checkbox

  3. Click OK.

The checkbox is now available for all comments. To add a checkmark, select the checkbox next to the comment.

Summarizing comments is a convenient way to get a synopsis of all the comments associated with a PDF. When you summarize comments, you can either create a PDF with comments that you can print, or you can print the summary directly. The summary is neither associated with nor linked to the PDF that the comments are derived from.

Page layout options for comment summaries
Page layout options for comment summaries

A. Document and comments with connector lines on single page B. Document and comments with connector lines on separate pages C. Comments only D. Document and comments with sequence numbers 

By default, Acrobat prints PDFs with any stamps that were applied. For the greatest control over how comments are printed, choose  > Print With Comments Summary from the Comments list.

  1. Filter the comments to show only those you want in the summary. (In the Comments list, click Filter Comments and choose the categories of comments you want to show.)

    Filter category

  2. For the greatest control over how comments are printed, choose   > Print With Comments Summary. Alternatively, to create a separate PDF of the comments, choose   > Create Comment Summary.

  3. In the Create Comment Summary dialog box, do the following:

    • Choose a layout for the document and comments. The layout determines available options.

    • Choose how to sort the comments.

    • Specify a page range and choose whether to include pages without comments.

    • Select whether you want all comments to appear in the summary or only the comments that currently appear.

  4. Click Create Comment Summary.

Find a comment

Locate a comment in the Comments list by searching for a particular word or phrase.

  1. Choose Tools > Comment to display the Comments list.

  2. Click . In the Search Comments field, specify the word or phrase you want to search for.

The Comments list displays the comments that match the search criteria; the number of comments is displayed on the panel header.

Delete comments

You cannot delete other reviewers’ comments in a shared review, nor can you delete locked comments.


To delete all of the comments in a PDF, choose Tools > Redact > Remove Hidden Information. Then select the Comments and markups option from the Results pane. This feature is not available in Reader.

Delete a comment

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select the comment and press Delete.

    • In the Comments list, right-click on the comment you want to delete, choose Delete from the context menu.

      Note: Before pressing the Delete key, make sure that the comment is selected.

Unlock a comment

Only available for for PDFs shared using a network folder


Only available for PDFs shared using a network folder

  1. Right-click the comment and choose Properties.

  2. Deselect Locked.

Spell-check all text in comments

You can spell-check the text you add in note comments and form fields. However, you cannot spell-check the text in the underlying PDF.

  1. Select the comment. From the options menu, choose Edit.

  2. Right-click the text, and select Check Spelling.

  3. Click Start. To change a word, do one of the following:

    • Edit the selected word. To undo your change, click Undo Edit. To accept your change, click Change.

    • Double-click a suggested correction.

    • Select a suggested correction and then click Change. Click Change All to replace every instance of the unrecognized word with the suggested correction.

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