Fill and sign PDF forms | New experience

The new Acrobat experience makes it simpler to fill and sign PDFs using the Sign tool from the mega verb bar at the top. Do the following to fill and sign the PDF:


Currently, the new experience is being rolled out as an experiment to select users and is available for Acrobat (64-bit) English locale only with no third-party plug-ins installed.

  1. Open the PDF in Acrobat, and then click Sign in the mega verb bar at the top.

    Sign a PDF

  2. On the left pane, use the annotations to fill the PDF form. 

    • Click the Add Text icon and click at the place in the document where you want to add the text, and then start typing.
    • Use the Crossmark, Checkmark, and Dot to fill in check boxes and radio buttons. Use the Circle to circle text or the Line to strike out text.
    Add annotations

  3. After you have filled out the form, you can type, draw, or insert an image of your handwritten signature or initials to sign the form. Choose whether you want to add your signature or just initials.

    Add signature or initials

  4. If you've already added your signature or initials, just select it from the sign options, and then click at the place in the PDF where you want to add your signature. 

    If you are signing for the first time, you see the Signature or Initials panel. Below is an example of the Signature panel and the initials panel.

    Signature panel
    Add signature panel

    Add initials panel
    Add initials panel

  5. Click Apply, and then click at the place in the PDF where you want to place the signature or initials.

  6. (Optional) After signing, you can create a read-only certified copy with an audit trail. Click Save a certified copy on the left pane.

    Save a certified copy

  7. (Optional) Acrobat creates a read-only copy of the document. A blue message bar at the top indicates the document has been certified by Adobe Sign. You can perform the following actions on the right-pane:

    • View all Activity for the agreement.
    • Download Audit report for the agreement.
    • Get a shareable link to share the agreement with others.
    • Send a copy of the agreement.
    • Save a local copy of the agreement.
    Actions on a certified file

Get documents e-signed by others

  1. Click Sign in the mega verb bar at the top, and then select Request Signatures.

    Request E-signatures

  2. In the Sign window, enter the name or email of the intended recipients, and then click Specify Where To Sign.

    Add recipients

  3. The Request e-signatures window appears. Choose the fields you want to add in the PDF from the options on the left pane, and then click Send.

    Add form fields

    The document is sent for signature to the recipients and a confirmation notice is displayed.

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