Editing a Dictionary with AEM Forms causes the browser to load the page indefinitely.
Editing a Dictionary with AEM Forms causes the browser to load the page indefinitely. The Developer Console will show the following error:
This issue most likely occurs with an AMS where the dispatcher is missing some Message Headers. By default, the following Message Headers are allowed on AMS environments:
"CSRF-Token" "X-Forwarded-Proto" "Forward" "referer" "user-agent" "authorization" "from" "content-type" "content-length" "accept-charset" "accept-encoding" "accept-language" "Access-Control-Request-Method" "Access-Control-Request-Headers" "accept" "host" "if-match" "if-none-match" "if-range" "if-unmodified-since" "max-forwards" "proxy-authorization" "proxy-connection" "range" "cookie" "cq-action" "cq-handle" "handle" "action" "cqstats" "depth" "translate" "expires" "date" "dav" "ms-author-via" "if" "lock-token" "x-expected-entity-length" "destination"
"X-Content-Type-Options" "Server-Agent" "X-Forwarded-For" "Via" "DNT" "disableDefaultTyping" "X-Requested-With" "AEP-APP-ROOT" "Origin"