Starting with a layered title design created in Adobe Illustrator, apply track mattes in Adobe After Effects to gradually reveal portions of the design over time.
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We’ve already applied a reveal on the horizontal branch, so select the Vertical Branch layer and create a new solid layer that’ll hide everything (250 x 860 pixels). Set a Position keyframe (Option/Alt + P) for the solid at 2:00. At the start of the timeline, reposition the solid above the top stem. Set the Vertical Branch layer to use the solid above it as an Alpha Matte.
The blue leaves already have a reveal applied, so Shift-select the two Green Leaf layers and precompose them (Command/Control + Shift + C). Duplicate that precomp layer (Command/Control + D). To tell them apart, right-click the upper one and choose Rename. At 2:00, set a Scale keyframe (Option/Alt + S) for it. At the start of the timeline, scale it down to 0%. Set the original Green Leaf Pre-comp layer to use the precomp copy above it as an Alpha Matte.
Select the Gold Circle Pre-comp layer and duplicate it. Rename the copy. At 2:00, set a Rotation keyframe (Option/Alt + R) for it at 25 degrees. Back at the start, set the rotation to zero. This time set the Gold Circle Pre-comp layer to use the precomp copy above it as an Alpha Inverted Matte.
With the Naturalists text layer selected, create a new solid (400 x 100) so it covers the text. At 2:00, set a Position keyframe for the solid. At the start of the timeline, reposition the solid just below the text. Set the text layer to use the solid above it as an Alpha Matte.
Now your title design will slowly grow into its final form. Play around with the keyframes’ positions to adjust the relative speed of each element and make the end result more organic.