Adobe Stock and K-12 education accounts | Common questions

Restricted from using Adobe Stock on K-12 education account? Can’t view search results? Get answers to common questions about Adobe Stock and K-12 education account.

Certain search results like images and videos on the Adobe Stock website can be inappropriate for children. If you hold a K-12 license of an Adobe product like a Creative Cloud All Apps plan or Adobe Express plan, you can’t view search results on the Adobe Stock website.

For the same reason, if your email address is assigned to a K-12 license and used for a personal account, you can’t select your personal profile on the Adobe Stock website.  

Yes. You can still create a personal Adobe Stock account. Visit, and follow the instructions. Make sure to use an email address not linked to a K-12 license on another account. This personal Adobe Stock account is separate from your corporate account. You need a different payment method to purchase plans. 

Yes. You can use Adobe Stock with other plan types that are not specific to K-12 education account. 

Yes. Your admin can remove your previous email address linked to a K-12 or Adobe Express license and assign you a new one. Once your previous email address is assigned to an Adobe Stock license, you can start using the Adobe Stock subscription.

Two separate email addresses result in two sign-ins: one you use for Adobe Stock and the other for a K-12 education account. With the K-12 education account, you can't access the in-app integration for Adobe Stock in Creative Cloud apps or Adobe Express. 

Error message "Adobe Stock is not available on your account“ for K-12 accounts.
Error message for K-12 account

If you are a VIP member and purchased an Adobe Stock for teams license along with other K-12 licenses and keep getting this error message, do the following:

  • If you assign K-12 licenses to your users' plan, keep access to Adobe Stock separate.
  • Contact your account manager if you have purchased Adobe Stock for teams and still face issues using it on your current account.

Adobe Stock is not currently available for users in mainland China. If you are interested in accessing Adobe Stock content from mainland China, you will need to separately purchase a license through an authorized Adobe local partner.

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