When users add a URL page link that has JavaScript redirection, Adobe Social's custom link feature does not extract information from the redirect URL. The error below appears when you add a JavaScript redirect URL and begin the scraping process before selecting a Google+ social property.

Engineers are working diligently to fix this issue. There is not an estimated target for the fix; however it is anticipated to be soon.
Other social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn do not include that API. Once you select Google+, click the attach link icon. Enter the desired URL, then click the checkbox to begin the web-scraping process. Users then see the title of the page link and a list of thumbnail images to select from using Google+ API.

JavaScript redirect links can also be published to other social platforms in Adobe Social. If selecting Twitter, a warning message displays saying, "Twitter does not support actionable links. Links can be attacked as inline links." However, the link bypasses the error and posts to the Twitter page. To do so, first select a Google+ property, click the attach link icon, enter the desired URL, then click the check box to scrape the URL. Once complete, add the additional social properties from the property list.

If you do not want to publish to a Google+ page, you can remove the property after the URL is scraped. Only the desired social properties that you want to publish would then be listed.