Disable the Acrobat welcome PDF from opening in a new browser tab

After you add the Acrobat extension to the browser, the welcome PDF opens in a new tab

Welcome PDF - First time experience

Solution: Use the browser-managed storage schema to create feature flags to enable/disable a feature by setting policies in the Registry

A system administrator configures Group Policies allowing the Acrobat extension to be preconfigured for all users in an organization. The configured policies can be read from the storage.managed API. Acrobat extension reads and enforces the supported policies configured by the administrator.

The storage.managed_schema property indicates a file within the extension that contains the policy schema.

"name": "Adobe Acrobat",
"storage": {
"managed_schema": "schema.json"

The following schema is used to enable/disable the welcome page launch. The schema can be extended in the future for other use cases as well.

"type": "object",
"title": "Open helpx tab.",
"description": "If set to false then it won't open helpx.",
"type": "string" }}}

Configure the installed extension using Group Policy

An administrator can configure the following policies to enable/disable features supported in the schema.json file.

  1. Open the Run command window by pressing the Windows + R keys. Enter regedit in the Open field and then click OK.

  2. All Group Policies for installed extensions must be written to the following Windows Registry keys. Create the registry key, if it is not already listed.

    • For Edge: 


    • For Chrome:


    • For Chromium:




    For the Chromium browser, you can also use HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive.

    Windows registry key

  3. Create a new string key as OpenHelpx. Modify the key and set its value as False.

  4. Once you have configured the policy, it's displayed under Chrome Policies: chrome://policy/

    Verify the policy

You can configure the policies for the extension using the MCX preferences for the com.google.Chrome.extensions.efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj bundle, or for the org.chromium.Chromium.extensions.efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj bundle if using Chromium. To do so, create a plist file with the configuration and import it using dscl.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

The first key indicates the bundle ID to be configured. Note that each policy maps first to its metadata, and its value is listed inside the value key. The state key is used by the MCX preferences to determine how often this policy should be enforced; setting it to always keeps this policy in place at all times. Use an administrator account to import this configuration with dscl:

$ dscl -u admin_username /Local/Default -mcximport /Computers/local_computer configuration.plist

Substitute admin_username with a valid administrator username, and configuration.plist with the path to the plist configuration listed above. For simplicity, you can put the configuration.plist file on the desktop folder and run the commands from desktop folder in the terminal. If dscl complains that the path is invalid, then you can create a node for the local computer with these commands:

$ GUID=uuidgen
$ ETHER=$(ifconfig en0 | awk '/ether/ {print $2}')
$ dscl -u admin_username /Local/Default -create /Computers/local_computer
$ dscl -u admin_username /Local/Default -create /Computers/local_computer RealName "Local Computer"
$ dscl -u admin_username /Local/Default -create /Computers/local_computer GeneratedUID $GUID
$ dscl -u admin_username /Local/Default -create /Computers/local_computer ENetAddress $ETHER

After running these commands, import the configuration again:

$ dscl -u admin_username /Local/Default -mcximport /Computers/local_computer configuration.plist

To apply the changes immediately, refresh the system preferences:

$ sudo mcxrefresh -n username

If a user runs Chrome with the Managed Bookmarks extension, Chrome loads this policy within 10 seconds. To load the policy immediately, Press Reload policies in chrome://policy. For more information, see https://www.chromium.org/administrators/configuring-policy-for-extensions/

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