Error: Bad Parameter while creating a PDF from a scanner

Error: Bad parameter while using the Create PDF from Scanner command in Acrobat

When you create a PDF using the PDF From Scanner command in Acrobat, the error "Bad Parameter" appears and no PDF is created. 


In the Configure Presets dialog, choose the scanner attached to your computer from the Scanner pop-up menu.

  1. On the File menu, choose Create > PDF from Scanner > Configure Presets.

  2. In the Configure Presets dialog, click the pop-up menu to the right of the Scanner field and choose the scanner connected to your computer.

  3. Click OK, and then choose Create > PDF From Scanner.

Note: Some older scanners do not support presets. When you choose an unsupported scanner from the pop-up menu, a dialog stating "This scanner does not support presets" appears. 


Error: Bad Parameter while deleting pages in Acrobat

When you try to delete a page from a PDF, you see the error message “Bad Parameter.” The same error message may also occur when you try to insert or add a page to the PDF.


The “Bad Parameter” error occurs when Acrobat finds some problem with the underlying structure of the tags in the PDF file. Try the solutions mentioned in the article:  Error: Bad Parameter while deleting pages in Acrobat

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