Unsupported features in the modern Request e-signatures interface

A few features are exposed in the classic Request Signature experience that are not currently present in the modern experience. These features are under evaluation and may be included in the modern experience later.

The features of note are:

  • Password to view the agreement - Setting a password to view the final PDF isn't currently available.
  • Text tag field conversion - Text tag formatted fields are not supported. 
  • Conditional fields - The ability to hide or show a field based on other field values isn't currently available.
  • Calculated fields - Fields that calculate values based on input from other fields are not currently available.
  • Prefill role - The option to identify a field as "Prefill" has been removed. PDFs can be edited to add content where a prefilled field would have been used.
  • Some of the Reminder cycle options - The current version of the Request e-signature tool supports several reminder cycles:
    • Every day
    • Every business day
    • Every second day
    • Every week
  • The below reminder cycles have been removed from service:
    • Every third day
    • Every fifth day
  • Agreement level notes - The option to apply notes to an agreement has been removed from the interface and isn't expected to be reintroduced.

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